Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Life scares me...


So I was just thinking, what do we do in our lives? I am currently not working, but I have a BA degree with Honours, but where did that get me? Other than in the red with the student loans company :P

But seriously though, what is next for us all?? Some people out there may have there dream job, it all going swimmingly as they always dreamed, the perfect life or thereabouts.... but the vast majority of us are just plodding along with our existence, maybe sitting exams for a degree their parents chose or a job there dad got them, or even unemployed alone in some council flat, looking out that window thinking to their selves... is this it?? 

I don't know all of your life stories right now but what I do know is, its one big scary ass world out there... and we all walk it alone at the end of the day.... there may be witnesses or people who hitch-hike with you but when its all said and done you are the one who lives your own life and makes your own decisions about the direction it will take.... 

I just lie here tonight and I think, what is tomorrow?? Apart from the obvious Thursday--- but what will it bring?? It is a pretty important day for me, but I shan't reveal why just yet.. not until I know how it goes/went...

Life is short, I do say this and all is meant for a reason right?? But I do sit and ponder the thoughts of really??? All this is meant to be?? Meant to be what exactly??? At least when I was at University I felt I had some kinda purpose now I'm not so sure...

Share your thoughts.. if you'd like... I'm interested in them... whatever they may be



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