Saturday 11 March 2017


There's a lot to be said about the word goodbye
For it has so many different meanings
When I left my old house and I sat in my bedroom that word cut straight through me
When I was bullied in high school the word was filled with glee
When I moved away for university I felt quite scared and anxious
When I've said this word to family members who had passed away, I felt a part left me
But now I'm saying it to my old scared self
The girl who thought she couldn't
Or wouldn't or shouldn't
Because the woman I am today showed her she could and would and did
I'm where I've always wanted to be
The dreams are now reality
I'm stressing over things that actually matter and that feeling really surprises me
I've spent so many years looking and hiding and trying and wishing and wanting
But now I'm at that stage in my life that I feel like all that's forgotten
Goodbye to me now, means nostalgia and bliss and moving on for the better
Being better
Achieving more