Sunday 26 September 2021


Well here we are 
About to witness an individual make history 
We have known and supported Vix through so many endeavours over the years 
And I am sure there were plenty before we even met
Vix was introduced to me as my now wife’s best mate
Someone who studied at Uni with her and someone who had a smile for everyone
But then stood firmly and proudly on our wedding day as P’s”best woman and gave a speech I will never forget 
Vix is so sweet natured she often describes herself as someone who is walked over but I have always figured you’d be mad to do that to someone like this 
Someone who would walk on fire for you, if it meant you could go for dessert together 
Someone who can make words up for places and make them sound even better
But someone who does not judge 
Someone who has a genuine innate ability to make you feel understood and give you unrelentless consideration and compassion 

We have sat and listened to Vix talk about how her life has changed, when she started this transformation with Mags we were intrigued 
Enough so, we joined too and that sealed our triple threat friendship 
We became indestructible and unbeatable as three people who walked weekly and got each other through lockdown and became this crazy bubble 

Fast forward to now, with the strength and determination to make her own business idea a huge success. A house into a home and fluff into a goddess
We love you 
Today is so important and we will be there cheering you on with tears falling out of our eyes 
With pride and true friendship
You can do anything Vix 
Anything you ever wanted to and today you chose this 

I will say looking back to the day we spent the morning after our wedding, chatting giggling and still being drunk but it was such a moment and one I will never forget 

Come on now Vix own this stage 
You absolute cookie legend 
We love you 

Saturday 18 September 2021

Long road behind us … more roads ahead

We sold our house on the day it was advertised officially
We didn’t expect it to be so quick and so when it was full asking price we were probably not ready
Turns out the offer came from a lady who happened to get in to view it because she saw the for sale sign and tried her luck.. she was never booked in
22 viewings were cancelled thereafter and we started looking… hard
Both working full time and me now fully into the numb pill our weekends were consumed by addresses and specs of our ideal flavour

We changed our mind a few times
Pulled out weeks before completion for our dream new build over quality
And in the end we were forced to rent or fear losing our purchaser after she’d waited 6months 

Renting has been hard 
It’s a weird one for me to return back to the dead money market but we were forced and had two kittens to think about 

We were also tied into a year long contract and moved during the global pandemic 
Life was not normal for anyone

The time here has been strained and me no longer on numbing pills I have grown to resent it 
We have tried and failed to find anything and also worried we’d be stuck being in contract and then having a house purchase too
Trust me, if I could worry about it I was and it was not getting easier

Today we are moving out
Finally that house we had wanted existed and although not in an area we had envisaged for health pandemic and to have what little family I have now here, it was the right fit
I had suggested being close to my in-laws as I have always been grounded by family and missed that 

The feeling of owning a house again is a blissful one and to not be held by some old twats rules is surreal
Let’s be honest here, I am not a fan of being told what to do in my own place

It will be a long weekend for all the wrong reasons those being stress no patience and little sleep but it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind 
To know the walls doors and floors are yours 
And to know your paying into a building you will own

Adulting was never easy
It was a force to be reckoned with
Much more than broken hearts and teenage hangovers 
But I’m happy to say I’m still learning from mistakes 

Life is not here for bruise free paths
But more to laugh when you fall and pick yourself back up

Ps wish us luck 🍀 

Thursday 16 September 2021


I am not sure how I feel right now
I look out to the room I am sat and I am surrounded by boxes filled with our life
The life that we have had these passed 18months
Through a global pandemic
An existence that has no words that support the emotion encapsulating the world we were in 
We taught here 
In confined spaces during a life that took lives 
Daily news updates talking through our tv 
Death tolls rising 
And this house feeling smaller 
Cramped and claustrophobic 
But together 
Sometimes it felt like we were so alone here 
Confined to such proximity
But some days our voices gave each other hope

Now we are both sat boxes piled up high 
Pictures in bubble wrap
A life left sealed from one house to the next
A feeling and reality I could not even see
A time where we didn’t know what would be
2020 being one of the hardest years in my life
Psychologically and emotionally 

Now a new dawn 
A new page
The series of KP continues 
We have subscriptions to life
We have dreams and a desire to achieve them 

Watch us as we close off another building 
Left with memories we shall remember and memories we will shut away 
Memories nevertheless 

Onwards and upwards
Carpe Diem 

You are off the hook now … so leave it there

When we all attend your evening do ensure you arrive on time
For we are here for a show of our life

We are not often concerned with the drama outside the remit of our own worlds but of late that has been my soul draining time
I have struggled with the intensity of the existence of others in my sights 

I cannot fix them 
I have realised after a long endurance test that I cannot physically or emotionally fix them all 
And the most significant lesson is that I didn’t have to
It was never my job 
Never my purpose
Never my calling

If I am to succeed and survive this current damp spell I am to stop thinking I need to 
How could I possibly 
When would it end
I need to see it for what it is
Give them what my title deems acceptable and forward them on
Instruct them of the services available 

Then when the day is drawing to a close
When the lessons are over
Sign off 
Let go and switch off
Don’t leave myself in stand by for the inevitability of that mistake
The messages the concerns the support 
I will never meet my own demands so why start the eternal spiral of disappointment 

Let them know I did my utmost 
Record the words accurately 
Then collect my bags and coat
And leave