Thursday, 24 December 2020

2020.. final thoughts part 1

This was not how we pictured it was it?
Barricaded in and stood their like herd
Awaiting instructions 
Can we stay? Can we go?
Who have we lost 
Getting daily death totals like thats a normal occurrence 

The heart is just under water
That sunken feeling has become the norm
Not a thing we can do
Shut up and put up

We all look so different these days
The worry and anxiety floods our eyes
Our faces masked but the way we feel is all you can see
It is reflected in the eyes of students, children and my parents
The pain drenched us as we stand socially distant 
We'd do anything for a hug
Anything to feel that closeness
That protective parent hug that took away every pain as a child
Banged knees or grazes and a hug from Mum and Dad would sort you out 

It used to be counting the days until we saw eachother again, now I can list off the months I've waited

Life is just not real, is it?
Surely this is the worst dream I've ever conjured up
Surely 2020 had more to give us 

As we count down the final days of the year, 
We start to think about the gratitude we have 
How we are here to at least miss those instead of grieve them
How scary some experiences this year have been
How some are ongoing
That progress is being shown week in, week out
How it's not all been doom
We have seen what is important 
A huge jolt, slam your brakes on epiphany 
It hurt us all but it stuck 
It really made us see with open eyes 

What existence is... 

Fleeting, important and family is the core
For, without that we are not grounded 
We are not safe and secure
We all need it

Merry Xmas 2020

PS a toast and thought for Joey 🌹

Saturday, 12 December 2020

Death has no apology

Death leaves such a void
Full of life one minute and the next, gone. 
It isn't sorry and it isn't around long enough to ask why? 

Life is such a small space of time in such a currently sad existence. 

But death is unapologetic 
Death is sincere in its dagger 

What is left behind for those grieving 
Any empty space
Like a room that has no windows and when you find the door, it disappears
Like a hallucination
Overwhelmingly loud 
Overwhelmingly painful 
It takes the light 
And leaves you in the darkness.

What do we do then?
Surrounded by all of their life 
Their possessions, smells and memories 
Flooding back and too
Drowning and bereft 

Angry and no way of exhausting the emotion 
Full and tense
Tense and broken 
Like a shattered glass on a perfectly laid dinner table 

We transition 
We evolve
We rise again
In pain, and bruised but we carry on 
We learn to live again 
Without you. 

Sunday, 15 November 2020

The Apocalypse Village

The grass is longer than it ever had been
Noone had seen it get this bad before 
The windows looked lifeless 
They were no longer letting in the light 
They were blurring existence 
Jagged edges of reality 
That's the way the mirrors were left in the bedroom
What had once mirrored such happy reflections 
Had now been covered in a layer of life that had fallen over the years 
Suffocating the floors
That once showed wealth with real oak
Were now covered in overdue letters and newspapers with articles detailing events to commemorate life 
The kitchen was still laid out for a dinner party
A party that would never happen 
Bottles of expensive champagne and flutes lined the side boards of the kitchen 
The oven was full of decapitated finger food
A spread fit for a queen
Was now just green dust and well past its sell by date 

This house was a castle
A castle for anyone lucky enough to live in it
Huge rooms, tall ceilings
Paintings of generations before lined the corridors 
The dressing room was full of historic artefacts 
Walking into the four walls created an overwhelming feeling of long forgotten happiness 
This house was a home
This house was filled with a loving family once upon a time 

The virus had wiped out so many houses like this
The streets all lay, lined up houses like cattle awaiting their final day 
The visit to a slaughter house 
For this town had not been so lucky 
This virus had choked the lives that once filled the shops, streets and houses 
No cars drove these streets anymore

We closed the doors
Slammed them shut 
For the next passerby to share in the tour 
The tour of an apocalypse that was man made
Something that could have been avoided

The light in the street flickered as almost to come back to life
Pop went the bulb
The light was out
The street went black

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

hope will always silence fear

Alas, this existence is not what we dreamt of, is it
We all had our plans this year didn't we
We had holidays booked and ideas for others pencilled in
We didn't set resolutions because we felt it was not a thing to do anymore
We didn't expect the unexpected, yet my dear weren't we always told to do just that 

Alas, 2020 is not the year we envisaged at all is it 
For most it started well, lots of social life, never really paid attention to the media and was avoiding it over #BREXIT
But how life changed 

It has taken so much from our generations 
It's taken the stability 
The power we thought we had
Invincible as we thought ourselves to be
Well this year took that from right below our feet

Yet this time we fell with it, hurt ourselves on the impact 
Pain, and just general angst
Worry, fear and Social anxiety

Immune systems were our biggest warrior this year, we really hoped to win the covid19 battle than none of us had prepared for 
Most of us unfit and not ready 
Not even warmed up
Yet in, we were thrust 
That boxing ring was not waiting on us being ready 
People went mad
Started panicking in the 1000s
Those shopping delivery slots became an ounce of crack to score when logged in 
We didn't think people even used it yet they were out of stock for months 

11months in and still disarray surrounds us
Feels like a huge fog surrounding us
This whole globe, is trying to see
Trying to focus with tired eyes
Squinting into the end of the year
Celebrations have been put on hold for almost every religion 
Weddings and births even deaths tinged in covid19 battle dust

We are not to give up 
We are not to give in
Families have experienced the hardest existence in all the world 
Scared to hug family 
Feared out of visiting the lonely 

But I ask you to remember the plans you had pencilled in
The celebrations you have put on hold
We will all see the light again 
The fog will lift 
We will become stronger as a result 
The nation will be stable once more. 
Hope will always silence fear 

Saturday, 24 October 2020

do I send this... Will he answer

This nightmare is not going away
It doesn't matter how strong you think you are, or whatever weight you can lift.. It all just seems to disappear when I stop and realise this is actual existence 

Illnesses are just evolving like some shitty pokemon card
And the levels they are hitting it just getting to much to cope with 

I just want my Dad home and safe
Not in some hospital 
Coping with all this mess
Whilst the world is already on its knees

I've just had so much pain in my heart
I don't think I can carry on 
Faking it till I'm making it, is becoming such an uphill battle

Can't drag myself through these dark clouds
Rainy days
Fallen leaves
But broken hearts
Buried in autumn but still buried 
Still trying to keep going

Inner resilience is being tested 
Highest setting
Hardest level

Take me away, 
Take me faraway
Let me forget it all
Please let it all be how it was


Sunday, 18 October 2020

character building..

I received the message, couldn't tell you what I was doing that day really.. Feels a little surreal

I tried my best you know, pulled myself up like an old used coat hanger, it was all bent the wrong way but it kept me walking, I also kept scraping fingernails into the stairs, to keep me going... 

It snapped though 
Everything fell to the floor
Didn't know where to start
Heaps of just shit, everywhere 
Couldn't see the floor
Couldn't see the bottom

Couldn't stop the blurry eyes
Blurry lines
Tears that stained my day.. 
Day by day
Made a new stand 
Still looked twisted, metal stuck up

Days became weeks
It was like looking in a mirror with opaque lenses 
If I couldn't see it happening it meant it wasnt
But at night, when the sleep light went out 
I was left in the dark surrounded 

It just feels like a bizarre dream, mixed with unfortunate real life existence 
I can't get away from it but at the same time I am not looking to run away

I am facing it
I am living and breathing it
This is not a gossip column
I am not your entertainment 
Life has spun a fast one
Taken with it all we ever worked for

Next few weeks are just very much the same 
Yet my distraction will be closed
Lock down 'ain't got nufin on this' 

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Sunday phone call

Phone rings

You alright Dad, its Kim 
I'd normally call you about this time wouldnt I?
Tell you about my week and the weekends plans, weather, my fitness achievements 
You'd just listen to me
Fill me with confidence 
Tell me about a person you saw who reminded you of someone I'd know 
Tell me about the bikes you'd seen in the town near your place in France 

What food you'd eaten, the weather being so hot, you said it was like walking with someone putting a hair dryer on your feet. 
No air 
Crashing waves and dust bum running in and out (the dog)

Today I can't call you
Because at the moment you aren't available 
You aren't well
And you aren't even aware of it
You knew you felt ill didn't you 
We told you to get it checked out... 
I told you to come home earlier.. 

Well, today we went to Canon Hill Park again, but this time with Charl and Nico
They are here. All supporting each other
Patty saw lots of VW made her miss Offred. 
You'd have loved watching me on the swings
Made me feel queasy 

I'm holding off on the car for a bit 
Brought it with you didn't I?
So ill hold onto it
You'd say, if it's not broken don't fix it
I miss you
Silly jokes
Your funny expressions 
Just the big Dad hugs when you squeeze me tight 
I know you are here though, with me right now... forever 

We are all doing our best
Mum has been brilliant 
Nick flew out to France
You are worth it all
It's hard
You said we were made of strong stuff
It's in our blood
Mum says you'd be proud 

I'm going to go now
That's what you'd say isn't it
Been a long call Kim
Things to do 

I understand I'd say 
I love you Dad
Take care 

Come home soon please...

PS I made some mash potato, almost like yours 😊

Saturday, 8 August 2020


Life is scary
Not an existence any of us are used to 
Noone can tell us the end
Noone has a clue
Normally in life we see tragedy but we are on the other side, from the outside looking in
But this time we are in the same boat 
The boat keeps leaking, the water keeps coming in, people are jumping overboard, taking lives by the second, blinking and we lose another 1000
Careless waste
Not a person in this world can help us because it is a strange horrorful collab
We are all in it at the same time 
We can't swim away from it
It is silent and no radar picks it up
Please help us
Please stop the loss
Please tell me that life can resume
That life will be better
That life can conquer this evil
Find a vaccine 
Find a fcuking cure to this sick epidemic 
This epidemic which is taking the innocent 
It is not just taking lives but it is changing lives
Giving birth alone
Leaving pets in vets without owners
No visitors 
No support network
We are finally going through experiences alone 
Like birth 
We are alone 
Professionals all masked up 
Can't see their facial expressions 
The deaf don't have a way of understanding 
The elderly are alone 
It's taking us 
Taking our freedom
The laughter
The family 
The community is strained 
Lives have been changed forever

Our mindset is evolving 
Health is important 
We need health 
We need people 
We need freedom 
Masks cover faces 
Hide faces
Hide the fear 
Fear is in houses 
Windows are locked 
Doors are closed 
Some people have no bubble 
Some people don't understand 
Children are silenced in parks 
The planet got healthier 
Animals flourished 
Noise pollution reduced
It changed outlooks 
But we can never have it all can we

Hold those close that you can
Share your thoughts 
Discuss your dreams 
Live your life as best as you can
With all restrictions in place 
Breathe in the fresh air 
Watch plants grow
Flourish in this new life
This new existence 
What 2020 taught us 

time to trust me

What if when I close the door for the final time
The lock changes and the door drops
What if it never opens again 
What if I have shut it all by accident 
And I can't go back
What if I want to go back
What if I am starting to miss the qualities 
What if I am missing me
The me who just perked up the room

I remember the first month passing 
The thoughts were not in my head space 
The space had been cleaned out and nothing was blocking production
It was a brilliant feeling 
Such bliss not being disturbed by over thinking 
Such bliss being able to just do things without any concern for outcomes
Not haphazard but just "normal"

But over time this blankness became a numbness which in turn became silence
Even I hadn't noticed properly then but the silence became deafening now and I realised I needed to change it
Do something 
I felt a part of myself was just lost 
Stuck behind this door which would not open anymore
I struggled to pull it open
When at times it wouldn't close
Got stuck
One extreme to the other
Tiring to just sit there 
Almost begging for thoughts 
Not a real answer to questions 
Like the heart is not involved 
Forcing emotions at times
Missing the traffic
Not enjoying the empty roads anymore 

I decided I would make the necessary changes 
Tough decision 
But necessary 
It's been 2 days
Cut it down
Will continue to do so

Watch this space 

Friday, 31 July 2020

painting by numbers... not finished

When is life ever this helpful
When does it give you instruction and guidance so that all you do is follow the steps and create your dream
How are we supposed to do it justice if none of us even know the rules
If none of us can translate the ruins how will we ever do as they want

We all just walk this life without any real idea. One minute we are here, the next we aren't 
We don't really know why we come or where we go when we leave 

What is next?
We are a long time dead, but where do we spend this long time?

I shan't pretend that I feel safe right now 
I shan't pretend that this existence right now is a stressful nightmare 
We have no where to hide 
We don't have a final day
We don't know how long this could take
Or how many more lives it will take

Take off to this long time dead
This long time waiting 

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

last time...

It is sometimes a hard expectation to make upon others
That this will be the last time
That if you tell them it's nothing anymore and this is it
Will they listen
What if you are told it
No more 
Nothing left to hold on to
Your hands struggling to hold on to the handles that slip away and disappear into your unconscious 

I mean imagine a couple
They have been out on a night together 
It has been rocky 
Rocky being an understatement 
They have had nights of silence after bashing walls with hands and frustration 
They yell until the tears sting and stain their faces over the things the other needs to change 
Maybe he drank too much 
Maybe that was his problem 
He'd drink for no reason and no excuse 
Just because he could 
He would only drink more if you brought it up
As time continued the drinking became his crutch 
It was his ammo
If he was angry he fueled it more with this 
If you were hurt he would use it

The rows would last for days 
Both stubborn so making up was never easy and to be honest it got harder and less compelling as the months dragged on by

One day you wake up 
Headache from the tears and the rowing 
Headache from the realisation that nothing you say or do will change him 

You cannot go on like this.. 

This night out used your drama skills well
To any bystander you look like the perfect couple 
You look good, dress well and laugh at all the right places 
Meal few drinks and a night on the dance floor
Only his favourite has joined you
Alcohol is out too
Pints become shots become shorts become pints 
He's smoking too much and kissing him is like swiping an ash tray
Your attention is not on him so he finds it off others 
Making a fool of himself as he's falling on people as he sways 
Drink in hand
Security remove him twice for smoking inside 
It's call a cab time and he's spent all his money 
You end up walking
You are upset 
He's drunk 

You cannot go on like this... 

Thursday, 18 June 2020

life goes on..

It's crazy really isn't it
You can be changing your whole world
And someone you know is just in the same place
We are packing up, and making boxes and sealing away our lives
And others are bringing home new bbqs and planning a weekend sesh 

Lives just carry on around you
People just carry on 
Conversations, work, driving, walking passed you on the street. 
Noone knows what anyone is dealing with
How they feel
Noone walks around with that much honesty 

I guess it's just strange 
Strange how life can be
That's all 

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

law of attraction - reminder

When do we say enough is enough
When are we so fully worked up that we cannot give another ounce of care
When is it OK to say I can't keep up anymore 
Life is not a continuous cycle, that we must elude to the pretence of being OK with all of the time. 
Life can throw some real mud pies that hurt and leave pain and bruising
That does happen and it doesn't make you less of a person for saying these are my hands and they are up because I can't go on anymore. 
I mean in boxing they get a towel so what makes you so invincible to show this theatre of pain and anger if you are struggling
You do not need to apologise either 
You have noone to answer to but yourself 
But please just allow it to happen and not to the point of crippling below the tomb of life's weight in which you carry around
Put it down before it gets like that
You are not letting anyone down
This is not a weakness
This is a strength 
A strength that we are all born with 

We were all born
In whatever circumstance
Whether wanted, planned, painful birth or easy. You might even have taken a life in your delivery but you made it
You made it here and you took that first breath alone
Although you were shown how to, or given lessons of learning how to do life, you still did it all by yourself 
Even those who have disabilities, they are still being 
They are still showing and displaying resilience and strength in all that they do
To trip up or fall, or even 'fail' is strength as it shows that you tried
And to try is to create strength 
Through our mind or our physical capabilities we all inherently have this brilliant spark inside of us
Some people give in to the dark 
Others shine brighter 

Stars shine bright 
Love yourself and be yourself and stand fcuking proud 
Fly high
Fly so high
Be that rainbow, be that inspiration 
Show others you can do it 
Never let someone give up on themselves
Never give up on yourselves

Be human
Be alive 
Keep breathing 
You got yourself here, so you can change the direction you are headed
You can change the minds thought from negative to positive 
You attract all that you are
You attract what you will become
So what's its going to be? 

New life vs Old existence

What happened to the life we used to live
It came and went like an overnight dream 
It's funny how complacent we all became with existence as it was 
Get up shit teeth eat chat teach eat chat sleep 
See people, go anywhere a passport to anywhere 
Monies in the bank 
Spend on new clothes, petrol, food drinks and holidays 
5 days a week in a classroom 
Students your audience 
Advice and wisdom 
Planning and marking 
Sometimes stress and sometimes not 
Late nights, training, phone calls, no time to return them, unread messages, looking at posts about food and nandos and nights out and heavy heads
Charity runs, new cars, new houses, new pets 
Glamour and riches 
Showing off
Busy and more busy
No time 
Disrupted sleep from loud cars driving too fast down roads with noone walking 
Just more cars and more traffic 
Asthma on the rise from the environment 
Germs and heart problems 
Death rate increases 
More buses more cost more trains less space 
People everywhere 
Like sardines in a tin
Pushed up against the unknown 
Germs clean people or not 
Try on clothes
Try before you buy
Who else did that
Who else been here 
Who else's hands? Clean? Washed?
Never stopped to think about it

Mortality is not something to forget 
Life is fragile 
Cars break people in their speeds
Their lifestyle dosing up the brains and filling mind with issues and adrenaline which then falls out into people 
Hate and fights and conflict 

It's all gone down the plug hole now though 
Life has changed 
Existence is different 
Nothing we can do 
Less cars 
No speeding 
Different reasoning for death 
Health first, luxuries take a sleep 
Luxury items change 
No longer a car, but a new plant 
No longer eating out but families cooking together 
All involved 
All walking 
All getting steps 
Money is now monitored 
Life is different 
For better or for worse?
Only time will see

Keep chin up
Embrace and change 
Be the best you, you can be 

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Change is coming

When its all said and done
And the curtains are drawn and the new day is starting to reveal itself through the far away views across the hills
And the light is filtering in and the minutes count down the end of yet another 24 hours on this earth 
It is within the silence that our mind starts to travel
It starts to think over the has beens of this week or month 

But when something such as our current life happens, Covid19 to be exact floats in quietly 
Not enough people are awake to listen
And before we know it we are swamped with the unfortunate acts of this virus which is taking lives away at a rate of knots
We cannot contain it and we cannot control it and in life that is all we ever want

Think about arguments they are usually masked in some kind of control or authority 
Whether someone has too much or too little 
But that is usually the issue is it not?

Now we are faced with the actuality that life is not that strong 
In fact even after decades of reminders over plastic and the ozone layer and global warming even after the impact on the Antarctic only now are we really listening 

Only now is life less selfish and less egocentric 
Now we are in a environment where we can not move freely
We cannot do as we please or roam where we like 
We are stuck in one place with very little freedom 
We are restricted by rules set by our leaders
We are not thinking about silly issues at work or stupid rows with people
We are thinking about our health and our humanity 
We are thinking about family and how little we really do
How little we really contact 
How much we want to say
The fact that we are adults now with new lives and daily routine 
We are now pushed into a corner without any access
We are teaching from home
We are missing contact 
But for me, I am stuck with my favourite and that I am thankful for
I am thankful for having that in my life 
That even though its really hard right now, at least I am with the one person who truly understands my feelings and knows how to help me

Life would be so trivial 
Drives home stressed out by such little things really 
On the scale of life right now, these little things pale into insignificance
They are no longer important and there they should remain 

We need to believe that a brighter day is coming 
Like the moon did last night, it shone bright and strong 
One thing we are used to, is the power of the moon 
Luckily that has not changed 
But everything else has and should 
We cannot not go backwards 
We need to take all lessons from this pandemic 
Make a change and keep it 
Life is too short 
Health is vulnerable 
We are not as indestructible as we think we are

Pandemics are rare but are changing our way
Paving new roads
To new lives 

Also a personal reminder 
No longer should you look and seek validation from anybody other than yourself 
You are strong 
You are capable 
Own it 

Sunday, 5 April 2020

Mum Arnii

From day one you just understood who I was
You knew my language
You would know when I needed a hug 
We were encompassed in a friendship that went deeper than blood
We would be able to really talk to each other and it make a difference 
You picked me up when I felt unable 
You'd be a guide in the dark
You would warn me even if I went ahead anyway 

You are someone who must have experienced enough to pass on your wisdom to us and others
You are a professional who has empowered people all your working life 
You were someone, as a child, that I wanted to be
I always wanted to make you laugh
I have always wanted to make you proud 

You are my Mum
You are my anchor to life
You helped me through the difficult times and came with me through the good

You have a great sense of humour
You have great dress sense
You love shoes and old school drama series
You love Bowie
And I love you

Happy birthday Mum
Be proud of all you have achieved and who I am, as a result of your guidance

Friday, 27 March 2020

Just four walls and boxes of unplayed cassettes

Go on grab me that box from over there
Have you ever seen these?
You won't be familiar at all
Probably won't have any way of playing them
Me and my sister used to record on them
We were quite techy for the time
Now though you don't even own 
You just stream
The filter dream 
The complicated obsessive compulsive reactions
No thinking 
Just yellow blobs of expression 
No real depth 
No real pain 

You know I can recall a time where we sent letters 
Not in the post always 
But in lesson
Hand written
Pens, paper, little conversations 
They were kept and treasured 
There was never problems with memory and deleting files
They were never taken out of context 
They were never shared and reshared and shown to a global world on some network of infinite WiFi 

I can recall a time where we would just chill out 
A blanket in the garden, a magazine about pop stars, or a sibling
We did chores the same, learnt to cook the same 
But it was all physical contact 
None of this social life over the Internet 
None of this social media existence 
We couldn't just delete a page 
We were in real time
It was remembered 
Getting drunk for the first time 
Talking about real feelings
Staying up all night in each others company 
Sitting with only the traffic as a background noise 
Films on videos 
Music on cassettes
Cds and dvds
Being out 

Social distancing for us is not a norm
It never was
Being stuck inside
It's not easy for our generation 

Well, as I said
These are cassettes 
They stored all we wanted
You couldn't press repeat

We lived in the real time 

Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Big brother

Life is full of watchers and stalkers and Cambridge analytica
They are in every home
Every street
They follow your every move
They read your messages and watch your searches
They watch you when you think you are alone
They hear you talk to yourself 
They watch you lie and cry
They see it all
They push you into the way they want you to be
They mould you and groom you
They show you articles of hate
They get inside your head 
They push your buttons 
They make relationships blossom 
They pull you apart 
They drag up your memories and rake over scars via apps we have installed giving access to our secrets
They know your favourite clothes and shops and routes to work 
They know when you go out and drink they read those texts you send to your other halves and save the pictures

Big brother is not something we can escape 
It is a game and access we have been set up on
One without levels or ways out
Just winding roads and no lights 
The media creates the problems 
Creates the culture of panic and moral dilemma
It takes away esteem and pushes limits 
Takes lives and innocence 
Puts us all into fearful places 
With no way out 
No small door or open window
Just cctv and app access
Accept this or do not install
Put all of your details everywhere
Email, password, access key
We will store them and create a fingerprint of you forever
And even when you are dead
We will remember and set up social media in loving memory.. 

Saturday, 8 February 2020

time is never changing

Time is never changing
We have had the same time in a day since we entered this earth 
But age can change that 
Age can make some days drag 
Age can make some days fly by 
Age can stop time

I have had a good time in my life
I have loved with all that I am and felt it back
I know what I want here 
I want to have memories and deep experiences that make the hairs stand on my neck
I want to have holidays with views that stop time 
Stop me walking and hold me in place
I want to see a sunset that won't let me blink
I want to lay below a blue sky with a tipple and my wife by my side
I want a full filled life
One which brings me to bed each night, exhilarated but tired
Tired because I am doing all my body will allow me too
Exercising because I want healthy organs
Eating well to nourish all I have to ensure my life is lived healthily and right 
To keep my conscience clear from deceit and lies
To tell people what I think with sensitivity and empathy 
To be that teacher that students learn vital lessons and grow through 
Build discipline into the future generation 
Be kind and compassionate 
So that when my time is up
And its recorded as my last minute, my existence is not forgotten
But that its left memories in people's minds as they grow older
The teachers I remember from my education help shape me now
Maybe I could help shape others

Time does not change 
We change