We all had our plans this year didn't we
We had holidays booked and ideas for others pencilled in
We didn't set resolutions because we felt it was not a thing to do anymore
We didn't expect the unexpected, yet my dear weren't we always told to do just that
Alas, 2020 is not the year we envisaged at all is it
For most it started well, lots of social life, never really paid attention to the media and was avoiding it over #BREXIT
But how life changed
It has taken so much from our generations
It's taken the stability
The power we thought we had
Invincible as we thought ourselves to be
Well this year took that from right below our feet
Yet this time we fell with it, hurt ourselves on the impact
Pain, and just general angst
Worry, fear and Social anxiety
Immune systems were our biggest warrior this year, we really hoped to win the covid19 battle than none of us had prepared for
Most of us unfit and not ready
Not even warmed up
Yet in, we were thrust
That boxing ring was not waiting on us being ready
People went mad
Started panicking in the 1000s
Those shopping delivery slots became an ounce of crack to score when logged in
We didn't think people even used it yet they were out of stock for months
11months in and still disarray surrounds us
Feels like a huge fog surrounding us
This whole globe, is trying to see
Trying to focus with tired eyes
Squinting into the end of the year
Celebrations have been put on hold for almost every religion
Weddings and births even deaths tinged in covid19 battle dust
We are not to give up
We are not to give in
Families have experienced the hardest existence in all the world
Scared to hug family
Feared out of visiting the lonely
But I ask you to remember the plans you had pencilled in
The celebrations you have put on hold
We will all see the light again
The fog will lift
We will become stronger as a result
The nation will be stable once more.
Hope will always silence fear
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