Sunday, 15 November 2020

The Apocalypse Village

The grass is longer than it ever had been
Noone had seen it get this bad before 
The windows looked lifeless 
They were no longer letting in the light 
They were blurring existence 
Jagged edges of reality 
That's the way the mirrors were left in the bedroom
What had once mirrored such happy reflections 
Had now been covered in a layer of life that had fallen over the years 
Suffocating the floors
That once showed wealth with real oak
Were now covered in overdue letters and newspapers with articles detailing events to commemorate life 
The kitchen was still laid out for a dinner party
A party that would never happen 
Bottles of expensive champagne and flutes lined the side boards of the kitchen 
The oven was full of decapitated finger food
A spread fit for a queen
Was now just green dust and well past its sell by date 

This house was a castle
A castle for anyone lucky enough to live in it
Huge rooms, tall ceilings
Paintings of generations before lined the corridors 
The dressing room was full of historic artefacts 
Walking into the four walls created an overwhelming feeling of long forgotten happiness 
This house was a home
This house was filled with a loving family once upon a time 

The virus had wiped out so many houses like this
The streets all lay, lined up houses like cattle awaiting their final day 
The visit to a slaughter house 
For this town had not been so lucky 
This virus had choked the lives that once filled the shops, streets and houses 
No cars drove these streets anymore

We closed the doors
Slammed them shut 
For the next passerby to share in the tour 
The tour of an apocalypse that was man made
Something that could have been avoided

The light in the street flickered as almost to come back to life
Pop went the bulb
The light was out
The street went black

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