Friday, 17 December 2021

What is

What is this life really
For we all participate without understanding or validation
We are not asked or chosen but placed 
We are here for nothing other than breath 
And sometimes that is too hard

We are all here making the most with what we are given
Learning and experiencing moments that cannot be repeated 
It’s hard and it’s cruel at times
Life hurts 
Life hurts more than is advertised 
But no one gives up because of this fact
We dig deep
Roll up our sleeves and do all we can 
Fight for all we can get and hope for the best
What else is there?

Sunday, 21 November 2021

Autumn leaf 🍁

As I sit here looking out at the fall
The season that brings with it the end of the summer and the preparation for winter 
I sit here with feelings of sadness
Life is such an uphill struggle for all living things these days 
Not just a simple three meal 8hours sleep exercise
But a life filled with stress, worry, hate and illness

We are born into this life with one goal
To live
And that is something that we all fight for each and every day. Some have harder fights, some have more support friends and family but alone we choose our destiny

Animals in the wild have no one 
They simply are born and then do all they can instinctively to survive 
My cats are just this. Alone but with fire in their bellies to be here

When this fight is over, we are like the autumn leaf on the highest branch 
That wind takes us on a journey down and there we rest
We rest for eternity
But surrounding that tree is the memories they left behind
Flashback to the summer skies when the sun shone through the windows of this house  brightening up the room and bringing with it a warmth
Pictures of this garden would show these trees full of colourful leaves that brought a smile
Flashback further to the person who went out and brought the seeds to plant the tree

Just because the leaves have fallen doesn’t mean we have forgotten the sweet smell of the flower which blossomed in the spring 

For people it is a lot bigger
For with people the memories can be endless
And they are shared amongst family friends and people you meet 
Right from your spouse to your post man 
The smile you gave that person in the street, who might have been sad
Or the way you made your child feel at Xmas
These Memories never fade
Not if we remember them 
Talk about them
Bring them with us

For people and lives can live on for eternity
Keep them treasured in your heart forever 


Friday, 8 October 2021

Minds’ game of, I dare you

Clasp my hand against your own
Hold on to me like it matters
Don’t ignore me as we walk amongst the beauty of others 
Remember why you asked me that day 

When we are apart, miss me 
Miss me like I matter
Tell me you do
Not just words but backed up with emotion 
Emotion that shows me you care
Always been an action over words
But I have always needed both 

We never knew we’d be where we are 
But we are 
Why do we waste our time overthinking things
No one ever said life was easy
Or that it made any real sense

People over the centuries have looked into the ways behind and the reasons behind 
A way to understand 
We cannot be held responsible for everything we do 
Nor should we worry 

I have a mind filled with questions to ask you 
I get your attention and I can’t even speak them 
They remain inside my head 
The head is a strange place
The lights never go out do they 
The mind is a stretched out road of little streets which never lead me any place 
I am often found in a small room within a quiet lane 
The curtains drawn 
Eyes down as the thoughts overwhelm me
Spin above me at such rates
Like a spider spinning a web 
I’m trapped 
Glued to the room 
The corner of that forgotten room 
Dust surrounds me 

I can’t tell you 
I can only feel it 
I can only assume you feel it too
And silently our feelings deepen
And overtime we will either be stronger 
Or we will be a forgotten memory 

Sunday, 26 September 2021


Well here we are 
About to witness an individual make history 
We have known and supported Vix through so many endeavours over the years 
And I am sure there were plenty before we even met
Vix was introduced to me as my now wife’s best mate
Someone who studied at Uni with her and someone who had a smile for everyone
But then stood firmly and proudly on our wedding day as P’s”best woman and gave a speech I will never forget 
Vix is so sweet natured she often describes herself as someone who is walked over but I have always figured you’d be mad to do that to someone like this 
Someone who would walk on fire for you, if it meant you could go for dessert together 
Someone who can make words up for places and make them sound even better
But someone who does not judge 
Someone who has a genuine innate ability to make you feel understood and give you unrelentless consideration and compassion 

We have sat and listened to Vix talk about how her life has changed, when she started this transformation with Mags we were intrigued 
Enough so, we joined too and that sealed our triple threat friendship 
We became indestructible and unbeatable as three people who walked weekly and got each other through lockdown and became this crazy bubble 

Fast forward to now, with the strength and determination to make her own business idea a huge success. A house into a home and fluff into a goddess
We love you 
Today is so important and we will be there cheering you on with tears falling out of our eyes 
With pride and true friendship
You can do anything Vix 
Anything you ever wanted to and today you chose this 

I will say looking back to the day we spent the morning after our wedding, chatting giggling and still being drunk but it was such a moment and one I will never forget 

Come on now Vix own this stage 
You absolute cookie legend 
We love you 

Saturday, 18 September 2021

Long road behind us … more roads ahead

We sold our house on the day it was advertised officially
We didn’t expect it to be so quick and so when it was full asking price we were probably not ready
Turns out the offer came from a lady who happened to get in to view it because she saw the for sale sign and tried her luck.. she was never booked in
22 viewings were cancelled thereafter and we started looking… hard
Both working full time and me now fully into the numb pill our weekends were consumed by addresses and specs of our ideal flavour

We changed our mind a few times
Pulled out weeks before completion for our dream new build over quality
And in the end we were forced to rent or fear losing our purchaser after she’d waited 6months 

Renting has been hard 
It’s a weird one for me to return back to the dead money market but we were forced and had two kittens to think about 

We were also tied into a year long contract and moved during the global pandemic 
Life was not normal for anyone

The time here has been strained and me no longer on numbing pills I have grown to resent it 
We have tried and failed to find anything and also worried we’d be stuck being in contract and then having a house purchase too
Trust me, if I could worry about it I was and it was not getting easier

Today we are moving out
Finally that house we had wanted existed and although not in an area we had envisaged for health pandemic and to have what little family I have now here, it was the right fit
I had suggested being close to my in-laws as I have always been grounded by family and missed that 

The feeling of owning a house again is a blissful one and to not be held by some old twats rules is surreal
Let’s be honest here, I am not a fan of being told what to do in my own place

It will be a long weekend for all the wrong reasons those being stress no patience and little sleep but it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind 
To know the walls doors and floors are yours 
And to know your paying into a building you will own

Adulting was never easy
It was a force to be reckoned with
Much more than broken hearts and teenage hangovers 
But I’m happy to say I’m still learning from mistakes 

Life is not here for bruise free paths
But more to laugh when you fall and pick yourself back up

Ps wish us luck 🍀 

Thursday, 16 September 2021


I am not sure how I feel right now
I look out to the room I am sat and I am surrounded by boxes filled with our life
The life that we have had these passed 18months
Through a global pandemic
An existence that has no words that support the emotion encapsulating the world we were in 
We taught here 
In confined spaces during a life that took lives 
Daily news updates talking through our tv 
Death tolls rising 
And this house feeling smaller 
Cramped and claustrophobic 
But together 
Sometimes it felt like we were so alone here 
Confined to such proximity
But some days our voices gave each other hope

Now we are both sat boxes piled up high 
Pictures in bubble wrap
A life left sealed from one house to the next
A feeling and reality I could not even see
A time where we didn’t know what would be
2020 being one of the hardest years in my life
Psychologically and emotionally 

Now a new dawn 
A new page
The series of KP continues 
We have subscriptions to life
We have dreams and a desire to achieve them 

Watch us as we close off another building 
Left with memories we shall remember and memories we will shut away 
Memories nevertheless 

Onwards and upwards
Carpe Diem 

You are off the hook now … so leave it there

When we all attend your evening do ensure you arrive on time
For we are here for a show of our life

We are not often concerned with the drama outside the remit of our own worlds but of late that has been my soul draining time
I have struggled with the intensity of the existence of others in my sights 

I cannot fix them 
I have realised after a long endurance test that I cannot physically or emotionally fix them all 
And the most significant lesson is that I didn’t have to
It was never my job 
Never my purpose
Never my calling

If I am to succeed and survive this current damp spell I am to stop thinking I need to 
How could I possibly 
When would it end
I need to see it for what it is
Give them what my title deems acceptable and forward them on
Instruct them of the services available 

Then when the day is drawing to a close
When the lessons are over
Sign off 
Let go and switch off
Don’t leave myself in stand by for the inevitability of that mistake
The messages the concerns the support 
I will never meet my own demands so why start the eternal spiral of disappointment 

Let them know I did my utmost 
Record the words accurately 
Then collect my bags and coat
And leave 

Saturday, 14 August 2021

An acceptance speech for real life 💙

And then what happens 
People are all there on the calls feeding your broken shell with ideas and advice
Their true feelings come out at the bucket load
You are breathing in deeply and trying to manage the thoughts you have about it all yourself
They all want to help but how can they really
How can anyone really know the heart and mind of another
How does anyone really know how another’s heart breaks and how it heals?

The phone calls end, the dead tone is deafening like white noise 
You are left in a room in a house which feels so cold
A house that had once sang to you your future plans and dreams
A house with pictures that cover walls of memories that you shared with someone who was supposed to be the everything you had always wanted

The house that is such a long way away
Away from the family that filled you with the love that you have searched for as a result
Your upbringing created the dream of true love

How do you build it up
Build it up from the ruin on the ground that lays in front of you 
The rubble that clouds your sight
Blocks the reality
That maybe 
Your gut was always aware
The gut had been screaming so loud 
For so long
That maybe you had not noticed that hum anymore

There is a beauty to this 
I promise you
A beauty that far exceeds your current thoughts and minds filled nights
Your dreams and nightmares have no idea 
They can not see this
For this is a bigger picture
The pixels far exceed the iOS on your devices
The picture is full of smiles and truth
Truth that might blur the current picture sat in frames in some half packed box in the attic
We are not always aware of the road below
We are too busy looking up
Too busy stressed from life, work life and living 
The strain of reality living in what we have coined the global pandemic
We cannot be blamed for not having the clearest vision in history to see what may have been the brightest light
We might have mistaken it for the sun
We all know that is getting hotter with the climate 
How the fcuk do we keep up with this

Trust me though 
It is not a completed novel
This is just a new chapter
Same character
But having seen through 20 plus vision 
Heart and mind on the window sill
Gut on a pedal stool 

Trust me
You will and have already levelled up
Levelling up and building strength 

Evolution at its best
Outgrown that picture 
Shed the skin 
When you are ready
Let it go
But don’t look back 
There was never a thing you could do more
You tried every thing 
And everyone knows that 

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Last page

Gone are the future days in which I thought you would be here
Gone are the memories of our highest times
For now we are a were not a now
And that hurts

Saturday, 24 July 2021

G & P

Come down from the heights 
They are not safe anymore for the wind is coming and will not wait 

Life has been a tumultuous existence in which heart and soul has been pushed against its rock and hard place
The pain has been squeezed deep into the pores of your skin and left you effortlessly tired
You are no longer able to muster the words of forgiveness and solitude is your only friend

The lights burn too bright for the sore eyes which are stained and wrinkled from the stinging of salted water which poured so heavily from them 

I will not apologise for being
For being is a blessing in this uncomfortable existence 
The existence which has taken the beauty of company of others and replaced it with the fear of ill health and guilt
We have been blamed and slaughtered for wanting to see those we love
Cancelled plans that have been the light for so many’s tunnel
Weddings and births are now a solo project in which only the brave or stupid can partake
Life is not as we knew it
But a sketch that was left out in the ruins of thunderstorms to smudge and become drenched
We are no longer able to see through the tinted lenses that are placed on our faces as we wake to the morning tune of birds
Concealed like some cheap make up you got free in a bingo hall toilet
Sticking to the floor that has been trampled for so many years the carpet is so weathered the colour doesn’t have a name
Dragging our limbs up stairs in fear of lifts or social contact

Becoming shadows of our former glory days
Nostalgia over fantasy times we can’t remember 
Missing the days of a bus journey without concern over masks or distance 
Eye contact being something we all avoided but now how we read a rooms mood
How we interpret feeling for the voice and normal conversation diminishes to a face time call in this new societal norm of 2021

Come down from the heights
Look down at your hands holding a phone which encompasses your new life
Time lost to short videos of action and comedy 
For this is our new normal
This is our life now 

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

This islands carpet

Take me higher 
Fly me out of this country 
Out of the world
That is shredded and falling apart

The surrounding environments feel weathered and no longer hold their classy feelings of being someone
The world has changed so much I can’t quite remember the before
Not just the guidance or recommendations or laws
But the people
So many people lost battles to something we can’t even see
Just an image designed to show that it’s dangerous 
With it it takes your last breath 

Not a soul can run from it and everyone I know I just want to protect 
But people listen to that moral panic 
That media storm that has taken the innocence and trust 
It throws itself dangerously against our shelter and drowns all that gets caught out

Not anything can run from that 
It’s like some csi film glitch that always runs you out 

Take me higher 
Put me in a seat and throw me into the atmosphere 
Let the faith and belief that I have help me land safely
That faith in the human I am 
Just a dash in time 
Born to make a difference
An impact on another

I feel like a saviour and a victim in the same second
Random rambles 
From the earth that we walk on
Under a sky that keeps the sun shining
From a different country
But in our island
Our island of chances and possibilities 

Never shade where you grew up
For it created who you are today
All those experiences and memories are encapsulated in this place of calm and peace

Enough peace to hear my thoughts this evening
Enough peace to empty the bins 
Process my ramblings into text to share with you 

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Still hurts

It still hurts you know
That healing process has been going on for months
Like the wound that won’t seal
It pours out all over me sometimes
At night the tears are falling
I try all I can to control it but sometimes I just let it in
Let it consume
It has to

I’m still angry about it all the time 
Angry that it was him and us and now 
When life is already difficult 
When your career has become your life as you slowly drown below the expectations 
As you struggle to keep up with the mental well-being of all your students your staff and now family too
Hardest assault course I’ve ever been through 
Hated every second of it
Didn’t want to lose on my final day of college 
So I didn’t show up at all
Who was she
Run away at any risk of losing
These days I can be in last place and still push through 
It still hurts me though..

Seen as a role model
Me a role model?
Me inspiration 
Can’t quite get my breathe at those comments
I just blush and dismiss them
Crazy cat really aren’t I?

But I figure if I get better at this bit, the rest will fall in line 
Never really been someone who gives up 
I don’t give up on anyone
Not one student have I left behind
Drag them if I have to

Need that attitude with myself now

But just know
It still hurts
But I have faith in the healing 

Thursday, 24 June 2021

Not all doom and gloom

 What is there to be from all of this really

Are we to look back in horror and clench at the conversations around us as people whisper lies about the actual reality of COVID

Are we to pipe up and wave our hands and say we know we know we were here

Look at how the historians change and merge truths with propaganda to fear factor a new generation

People will be afraid to hug or dance at weddings

the elderly of our society will be left alone in fear of causing them harm

Health will never be the same

Thats what they want us to think isn't it?

Just completely lose ourselves in this crazy dream that does not need to be awoken from

No not i, sir

Not i at all

We congregated and communicated through the one invention we all thought was full of hate

we created groups of people we loved online and braced ourselves for online calls

we went on video with our favourite drink and toasted into the new year with tears for the sorrow we felt for those we were missing

we set alarms for the early start on christmas day to make sure we have enough time with those we had not seen in over 9 months

we cheered on a thurs and celebrated an institution that was always here since 1948 but now had meaning and a link to our feelings

they made us better

who knew after all this time

the calls for sickness and illness reduced to leave the lines free for those who were actually struggling

people worked

missed colleagues

mental health rose

but we were all in it together

it was not all doom and gloom

we all gathered around the television on the PM announcements

the country split up

like we were all isolated countries forgetting that we were all one once

shops closed

the streets were empty

I kept up the walking into the city centre

in the wind rain, hail and even snow

we saw our breathe in the dusk as we looked up at empty buildings that were once so full of souls and life

birthday parties were for the bubble only

video calls and candles 

voicenotes became the new hug

we all just carried on

just like they always said we did in the history books

like the British do

And all this without a manual

without a previous example

without a google answer

we did it though

together we are strong

Not all doom and gloom

Wednesday, 9 June 2021

And then what

Am I supposed to just carry on like it’s fine
Is it supposed to be fine
I can’t fucking tell anymore
But I know I’m exhausted 
And I know for the most part this just makes me feel crappy

I didn’t expect this nor do I want it again
But sometimes in life this is all we actually need
Just that pick me up
That feeling of being needed
The attention even
But for how long until that spell goes out 
Until I am left just feeling abused on some floor in the middle of nowhere

I can’t tell anyone 
No one would understand 
They never do
Our minds our own worlds
They are not for the faint hearted 
They are not to be understood or explained
They are just instant pictures and messages like an over subscribed Snapchat account

I don’t even understand the lingo anymore anyway
I don’t have the time to learn 
It just makes me feel old
Older by the year but still with a young heart
My cardiologist told me that at least
A young heart
One that is still capable of being bruised and hurt by people who do not understand my motive

Never a negative feeling 
Just a want to support and guide people
To the detriment of my own minds world
To the detriment of my own emotions
That battered bruised heart just sat there in a pool of pain 
Me just trying to find that last piece to a puzzle I created through inception
Knowing I could fix it
Knowing they knew I could fix it

Call me Bob the fcuking builder
I have so many tools
So much time for anyone but myself
Not in some self obsessed or please feel sorry for me bull shit
But because it’s how I am
Always have been 

I will help a stranger a friend or a foe
I will cross bridges of heights I feel scared of
I will dive into the depths of the watery hell that is my fear to catch your bracelet
I won’t give up
I cannot walk away
I have to be left
But with that being left leaves me emotionally damaged and in need of something new

Constant cycles of no real smiles 
But that feeling when I’m making a difference
That is the best feeling in the world 
I could climb so high
On the adrenaline of feeling alive
Asked for
Validation at the highest degree

Thursday, 27 May 2021

Circle of closure

So tonight is the eve of what could be quite a rough day tomorrow
The end of a triumphant year for some and for others a painful end for what has been a tough time 

When I came into this sector life was full but plain
It was the beige of existence and I was just tired of feeling numbed by the days
Watching the clock and just generally feeling tired 

I jumped in feet first into this sector because I felt I had this edge
Something inside of me that could be unleashed into the world and heads of others

I have loved every second of it
Adults have let me down over the years but these individuals have kept me thriving
They have kept me young as strange as that sounds

Tomorrow marks the end of that for many of these people I have gotten to know over the years
Nurtured them into the adults they leave us as

I expect the tears to fall but as to why I am not 100% sure
For I have just worked so hard to support them and advise them and now I feel sadness at their departure

I will miss them
The banter 
The teaching of minds
Hearing them learn and the penny falling
The comments over the years have made me feel so necessary 
In contrast to a time I felt such little purpose 

Some of the hardest times of my life in these passed 12 months
And these individuals kept me sane
Kept me focussed 

I really don’t know how I will be afterwards
But somebody I know told me about this circle ⭕️ 
We all have to process an ending
They might have started their chapter with me
But this is where their new book starts
I can’t be with them forever 
I need to feel happy for them
Proud of them 

I will grieve but I know I have done all that I could 
Made them laugh and helped them learn 
And now I will wish them well
Wave them off onto their next adventure

It will be emotional 
I feel it now as I write this and have been for several months 

“Goodbye” has never been my favourite part of living
But it is essential 
It will level up my resilience 

I hope for their success and pray for their happiness

Onwards and upwards

Sunday, 23 May 2021

counting blessings

Quietly come and join me
I'm in the room full of flowers 
The smell of the roses fill the room with that sweet smile you have always given me 
The smile that seems to calm any storm
Warm any cold morning, waiting for my car to warm up
I'm sat in the window, leaning against the pane 
Face against the glass
My eyes are closed
But are tinged with tears

The walls are so clean, crisp and white 
There's so many pictures, they fill one whole wall, up into the ceiling 

I can barely find the words to type it to you tonight 
But I feel hurt
Hurt by the life that is in front of me 
Hurt that this passed 12 months has been so scary

I can honestly not catch my breath

They were always talking about their plans 
When we were growing up
Always had parents with such a forward thinking plan
They have always been those who worked hard and really didn't stop
Sat in the living room on a weekday night, comedy programme or an antiques show on the telly
Relaxing and comforted by the environment they had worked so hard for
Cars on the drive and money in the bank 
Holidays booked and plans insight 

We all flew that large nest several years ago, for some of us we flew back when life got hard, or love didn't work 
There was always a room that sat still and freshly made for our return 
Food in the cupboard 
Love in the arms of our parents

We knew the day would come where they would grow older 
The grey hair was showing 
It was a weird thing to see growing up 
Realising even as a teenager that parents get older 
Mum swam and they did yoga so it was never something I feared 
I knew there was some cardio issues but nothing that ever gave me concern 

Retirement seemed to always be so far out of their reach to me
Like work wouldn't let go
New jobs or ideas were continually in their paths and I'd often hope for the day that work was not their thing anymore

Air bnb and a big move to another world surrounded by the mountains and the hills
The freshest air you've ever smelt
The greenest views and all the walks you could ever dream of 

Finally I thought, they are not close anymore but they are happy and settled
They are doing all they want with their final years together 

But then it came and it threw that path away
Whilst on a holiday in their favourite place of all timings 
Broke the vase and surrounded us with the mess 
The dreams were not as clear and it was the scariest and saddest I've ever felt 

Looking at how hard they worked and now this 
This fcuking existence 
Took away the dreams 
And even if it does get better 
It's not fair

I'm absolutely gutted for them 
I could cry until I had nothing left in me 
But that won't change it 

We are strong and I know we are built with the family ties and we hold strong in any storm
But it's just not fair 

I still look upto my Dad 
Like I did as a little girl, the 2nd proud daughter who will keep that fight on his behalf until I have nothing left

Just praying for hope 
Praying for their happy ending 

With love 

Friday, 14 May 2021

Sit down

Come and sit down 
Sit with me for a while whilst I search my heart for the words to express my feelings
Not sure if this is heartbreak or regret
I feel like I could explode at the actuality of my racing thoughts

Where did that time even go anyway 
I mean wtaf
This was not in my training

I feel heavy with the weight of the world on my shoulders 
I feel a bizarre feeling flooding my thoughts and mind
I mean is this what it feels like 
Is this what it felt like to my role models

Did they get attached too
I often wonder how did this go so wrong for me
Was it me? 
Can I change it 
Or is this too late
Is this my lesson
A don’t do that again

Lockdown messed us all up
Maybe that’s it
Reliance on ideas that aren’t even real
Reliance of helping others to fill voids
Voids caused by ignorance and fear
Of seeing the damage or my reality

I know I shouldn’t let this go on
But I wish it would never end..

I have been here before now I really think about it
After they move on to the next level 
I felt saddened by the silence left by their personalities and stories
Or their first nerve racking role play or presentation 
By that spark that went off when they understood the theory 

From the continued thank yous and praise of my support and guidance
But now I am left in that room of mine
The one which will soon be filled with new people from all walks of life

And just like my school days I feel proud but sad
They have come so far
So far 
And now they just move on 

Sunday, 2 May 2021


So life has come in today and said I need to try harder for myself 
It says I’ve been slacking and that time is not on my side 
It tells me I need to listen hard and remember the advice like a tattoo I see everyday

I am not unfortunately here to save everyone they said
They said, I need to stop trying 
I will always be a good ear, I will always be here to share truth if help is needed
But the help won’t come from me
I will be the messenger in this remainder of my life

I try so hard to not become attached
But it’s like talking to me, comes natural 
I can’t stop myself from caring and to be honest that is me
So that can’t stop 
This is their life
This is their belief 
I can’t fix that 
I can’t change it

I have to trust I did ALL I could 
I taught them what I can pass on 
I educated them 
But now they are free
They can stay or fly away
They can make mistakes and decisions I don’t agree with
They can fall in love young and throw away potential
But they can
And they will
Nothing I have done will stop that 
I can’t change them

This is just a different way
We all have our faith
And this is theirs

Give them the help and time
Then wish them well
Wave goodbye
New ones are at the door

Saturday, 10 April 2021

Not your game to play

 So when I finally decide to leave this drama

I do not expect any applause for my better late than never vibe

I have always been such a work-proud person

Working up the ranks in some right little businesses

But PROUD and confident in my abilities and my progression

Even these days in the career I have now created, students look at me with disbelief at the experiences and jobs I have accumulated over my working life span

So when I look back at this time in my life

the time I worked towards through my education and life choices 

DO NOT TAKE this from me

It is not yours to touch or to screw up

I worked hard to be here

I am so sick of people being those NEGATIVE fools who just wonder around the streets

waiting on positive vibes so they can come and rain on your parade

knock you to the floor and criticise you for WORKING HARD

being strong, and confident makes you arrogant

working hard and trying each day to improve makes you a beg


Not anymore

I have spent hours, days months and years reflecting

reflecting on things I never did 

Not in the way you have written them

strewn together lies to build a case

a case that nearly took with it my life


Not anymore

I am not your game 

This is not a level up

this is my life

I know who I am

I know my capabilities

I know my own self worth

I deserve all I put in

I will get out, ALL I put in

You can hate me

Envy me, try and pull me down

But I will no longer listen

I will not give you the time of day

I am strong

I am capable.

Thursday, 25 March 2021

dirty plates

Sometimes I can be sat in a real blurry place
It's weird to see blurry when you've had laser eye surgery.
But it is and it's painful and disorientating

I've hit low levels in my life time
Some levels are so low in my past I don't actually know how I found them
I know I'm not there
But this doesn't feel any better some days

It's the worst time to have this feeling
What with how life has been throwing us through shit as a nation this passed 12months
I almost feel guilt for having this feeling
The feeling I would describe as helpless

I feel helpless with my family
Helpless with my students and helpless with myself
I have always been such a strong force for people
My laughter and sarcasm keeps so many smiling and giggling
My humour never fails
But I just feel like I've been piling up plates for so long now
Piling them up so high, not even seeing them smashing in the floor below
The food is rotten on them and there is a feeling of neglect

I have never felt so numb yet in pain at the same time
My face would say I'm ok
This teaching world allows for this persona to almost become your everyday mask
I pick up the dishevelled students and fix them up and straighten out the creases repair the damage
Empower and inspire
But leave myself outside
The rain is falling and I'm shivering but not running for shelter
The numbness is paralysing me

It is soo strong but this work is just my mind blartin" the frustrations of life and managing emotions
I'm not running from anything but I'm sat with so many piles of plates I don't know where to start
The plates all have sentimental feelings and prowess so I cannot just bin it
What comes first though

I'm just empty
Not enough energy to muster it
All the marigolds and fairy but no water

Saturday, 6 March 2021

nothing left to say really

When all is said and done
We do not have anything left really, do we
The stage is silent and the crowd starts to stand up and leave 
The room is left with a sense that life had been here
The smells of sweet perfume and happiness surrounds the curtains as they are drawn and another night is ticked off the list 

Theatre at its best 
Just one beautiful performance after another 
The acting is on point and the emotion fills our hearts with that thrill of live work 
We are enamored by the reality in front of us 
Children scream at the sight of Father Christmas or childhood books 
We all love to say "it's behind you"
Shivering with excitement at the whole spectacular atmosphere 

It never gets old
In my thirties I still smile until my face aches 
I enjoy the pantomime and the cheers and boos 

When I sit here typing up my memories into a box 
I feel still
Still and blank
The etch a sketch is empty and I have nothing to draw
Almost 12 months on after one of the most heartbreaking and mind-blowing experiences 
To pay witness to a death toll that exceed 100 before we could process it 
Face masks and sanitiser shortages 
Scared to hug and banned from family
Banned from existence in the only way we knew 
Banned from the cheers and the boos 
From the laughter and family times
From the large audiences 
Smiles and ice cream 
Nothing but silenced expressions hidden behind face masks and health fears

Oh I grieve 
I grieve it all
One day
One day soon
The dates will be counted down
Calendars full of meaning and forward planning
When all is closed until further notice
There's nothing left to say, really