Wednesday, 23 November 2011

that realisation...

... hits everybody at some point in their lives
that moment that remains and sticks on your mind
that tiny fraction of a second thought
that just spirals and leaves you in silence

contemplating the outcome,
thinking the what and the how and the why

the realisation that makes you grow up
the realisation that makes you finally see with clearer vision
that realisation that penetrates deep into your psychosis
that buries itself deeper than the sea
deeper than the centre of the earth

this is the what, this is the how and this is the why
this is how it will now be
this is what it was getting ready for
this is the next step
the present
the future
frickin learn now
life gets a little clever in its boredom

life throws you a jigsaw with a piece missing
you wait so long to fix it
then bam
piece is handed over

that realisation, that you have to learn and play the rules
learn and play by the rules or walk away....

biding time, biding time

offload over

goodnight x

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