Thursday, 21 July 2011

Upon new beginnings..

Good evening... :)

I would love to start by mentioning the post before this one... I was stressed out, and I needed to vent it... I will keep it there as a reminder for how things were so in time I can see the growth. 

I am not an angry person, I now realise that post may not stand in my defence but it has been years since I allowed myself to be hurt... 

I chose this song because I love it!! 

I decided to go cold turkey with it all, and I must be honest, it feels like I've lost a huge part of me.. I know its going to be for the best in the long run but I must say now, that doesn't soften the blow... the odd thing was, when I called her to say goodbye I felt sick, I felt gutted but I knew it was the right thing to do, I mean she isn't sure with what she wants any more, and I can't hold out in hope either... We were trying out the whole lets be friends routine but it just didn't seem to work for me, I can't just switch off my feelings you know? I mean honestly, we were never mates before so who's to say that route would ever work??

I started this blog telling you all how my life is playing out right now, and I explained how the feeling of being in love was the best I've ever had, and it is still true, the hurt is agony but wow, the ride is always worth it dont you think? 

You know, in all we endure in life, something painful will surely end it, in every aspect of everyone's lives, something always changes. 

People change, lives grow apart sometimes, people decide they want something else, dreams become blurred or distant and in the end the bottom line for everything we do in life is to make sure we are happy as individuals. 

You are all aware of how life works, you enter alone and you leave alone and what you do in the middle is your own creation, "The Secret" is so true in this case and when I sit and really think about it, the secret is around us all the time. 

I never thought one day I would come out, I never thought one day I'd of met someone like I did, and we would have that bond for that short time, and I never really thought about the ending, but it is not a discussion I can now bring to any table as the day came, we surely did meet and it has so unfortunately ended and I just gotta roll with the punches now. 

I feel bad sometimes I feel great sometimes, but I also know this is my law of attraction. Yes it hurts and yes it sucks but it is just the way it is. 

I am so thankful I had that time though, it was a real ball :) It taught me about me, and now I need to keep the lesson, I need to carry on with me and carry on striving through my life. 

Nothing lasts forever, and these past few months flew, but I did enjoy it! 

I wish this person all the best, I don't even know if she'll see this any more, like I said I went cold turkey... 

Never say never ... truth is no one knows what's next, life is about the element of surprise- but if you think about something enough, it always has a weird way of coming true.

Take it easy people!! It's Friday 2mrw!! :D wooohooo!!!


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