Good Evening Blog!!
I am writing this after one very stressy day at work... not just because its work but because of how i am feeling.
It will be a simple post, it is just to remind myself of recent events so I stop being dragged through shi* by individuals.
Break ups suck real ass, whether u initiate, u receive it or whatever - they are never the best things to happen
However, as the Dalai Lama states, "When you lose, don't lose the lesson"
This is very true for what I am about to state to myself now.
I have felt like shiz these past few weeks and I am sick of it... my appetite has changed, my moods diminished and it is all for some 4 month fling if you will... Honestly? I am sick of hearing myself think about it, I am sick of talking to friends about it, I am sick of it controlling my mood on a daily basis... So this is it!!
I am throwing in the towel! I can't spend any more of my life wallowing in this shiz, it was not ever something I saw lasting forever so I don't know why it has affected me so much, maybe it has a lot to do with the fact that I gave this person me, and I asked them to look after it and they didn't and it feels strange, I feel numb over the idea of this person now.
I look at this person and I don't miss them, I don't feel anything but pain, and not pain because I want it back but pain that I let it happen. Life is about the experience and the lesson from that experience
I love my life, I am chatting to people now that make me happy, I hope it blossoms into more, I deserve it, and this other does too!
Why cry over spilt milk? Will my tears change it? Will my anger reverse the clock? NO it never does, it is just a circle, it has left behind the past and it has continued...
I will not go backwards anymore, I will not look back in hope, I will not allow this person to do any more damage to me - It is over!
Friendship? I don't know, if asked right now? No thank you, my friends care about me, like i do them- this person dropped that care for me to the floor when they threw it at me for something else...
I know this blog is intense, I know this blog may cause some bad karma, I am not trying to offend anybody involved, I just needed to get this out as a reminder so when I am sat there with my heart in tatters playing through my painful past with this person I can see this and remind myself of how it really is... and how it is all over now and the door has closed on this time.
4 months went by in a blink, the scars will surely heal in time...
Thank you for the experience - it was fun -x-
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