Friday, 17 January 2025

Passing time

I could never ever really tell you the truth 
Not really 
I wanted to but my needs were far below yours 
Hidden under piles of rows and gaslit evenings where I started to lose my reflection 
I would sit in my room and think tonight I will say it but the moment would only roll on by me 
Like the time passing so slowly
I could never grab it and it was always a moment gone 

We met at a time I was becoming 
I was becoming me and it was scary
My past links were present and my confidence had grown 
My clothes were my choice as was my music 
My flat was rented but it was all me 
All mine and all as I had wished and dreamt it to be 
The one before had no front door so this was steps above 

Find the stump
Find the root cause of all this insomnia and pain 
Waking from drained feeling and emotion to start the new day
Emotionally exhausted before I ever start
All you 
All us 
Some true and some not 
Patching over the cracks we had made over and over
Not really sure why 
No regrets just time gone by 
No replay 
No way back 
You can’t change anything 

What’s funny is when I’ve sat in the feeling and searched for the meaning 
I have been met with reality 
Never been on a pedastal for anyone 
Never been someone’s obsession 
Never felt that special 
I half believed it once but I was mistaken 
When given time to really show it they were gone so fast 
The door didn’t even shut 

It’s my way 
It’s how i do life 

But now the blurred image in the mirror is getting easier to see
I see my deep look in those eyes and finally see me 
I want to do life my way and live life properly
I want to meet people who compliment me 
Who mean what they do and mean what they say
I want to have conversations that flow without being on a timer
I want to offload my day without fear of being ignored
I want someone to see my ASD as endearing and ok 
I want to be free to be me and for them to be there as part of my army
The army there to protect and let no one harm me 
To be my cheerleader when I lack confidence
Or to pick me up when I fall 

To know I have been through hell these passed 4 years but it will not be wasted
The lessons will forever be sketched into my memory
I am not looking for complete as I already have that 
I am hoping for friendship loyalty and love
That house on that street 
My own place 
Decorated for me by me
Persistence and resilience are traits I didn’t ever imagine 
But they’ve been my silent companion all this time 

Tuesday, 17 December 2024

As I look out

At the sea in front of my feet 
As that sea crashes into the coast like it always has 
I breathe in deep and I hold it 
I hold it for what feels like forever 
I close my eyes and I see all the previous year in small pictures in my mind 
Not in any order but all over the vast blank space
I delve into the images and zoom closer into the details 
I can see it all happening again like a rerun
Except this is not a film or a tv series
This is 2024
This was my last year and it hurts to see it 

It hurts to see the reality of decisions that I made 
The people that came in and out of my life 
The times I thought my life was getting better 
To see images days later where it hadn’t 
I can see the people who were mean and rude and toxic
I can see my feelings being hurt over and over
I watch as I cry myself to sleep
There are several of them 

What is my legacy for 2024
Is it to be focused on the pain 
Or the suffering 
Or the let downs

Or is it to be focusing on the strength 
And the ability to push on through 
To get back up each day and fight for my life
Not the cancer but the life 
To push on 
To continue to show up for myself 
To paint on my face get in that car and teach 
Meet people and build a rapport 
Put myself out for others
Even when they didn’t deserve it

These lessons are now scars
They cut me deep and I need to remember the pain 
I need to remember what caused the scars and stop just focusing on the healing 

Remember these people who led you in the dark 
And fcuk off anyone who doesn’t serve you 
Who doesn’t set your soul alight 
Not just bits of serotonin Kim 
I want the fcuking world to explode with it 

Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Graveyards and cemeteries

Here lies a person who tried 
A person who really wanted nothing more than acceptance 
Somebody who spent so many years adjusting to lll fitting clothes and people 
Personalities that kept me up at night 
Searching hopelessly in the fallen rain, not a glimmer of light to help as I foraged for signs of hope 
Lights arrived and used solar energy to light up the surrounding earth around our house 
But it didn’t bring real light nor any warmth 
Often with insomnia draining my soul I’d sit out in the open air 
And although unbeknown to me the extent of resentment she carried with her 
I was still able to exist in this broken marriage 
I was scared to really tell her of my fears of dying 
And my fears of losing who I’d spent such a long time becoming 
The woman she fell for, was slowly fading away with each infusion my body received 
The cells inside me were dying 
The health and disease were being boiled alive 
The aches and pains unlike anything I could ever explain into words 

For I was no longer an us 
I was an I and with that lost 
Battling on land I’d never seen before for a life I didn’t recognise 
A life that hadn’t been started 
The happy family drama series had been axed
My marriage cancelled
And my health in tatters 
Like the hair that I found fallen all over my house 
The sullen look in my eyes as I woke in the morning and sat in front of my bedroom mirror which had once reflected smiles and laughter 
Now reflected pain and sorrow
There was no longer a big plan for our future 
For the our was now just a me 
And this room was no longer lived in but sold and belonged to some other family 
And we didn’t sent messages of love and affection but of divorce agreements and money chats

No more football days out 
No more holidays abroad 
No more marking or gaming Sundays 
No more laughter 
No more memories to retell or love cherished moments to frame 
Nothing left
The vows are not forever 
They lasted just 5 years together and 6 as it counts down to the end 
The final lap of our marriage and of our commitment 

Grave stones surround this village 
Buried below are lost loved ones
Married till death does part us
Not me 
Not I
Not with this one 
Grief has become my shadow 
But even in the dark it haunts me 
It strangles the reality out of me 
What I was saw as reality is now merely a dream 
Of a long forgotten life that I used to live
Grief is teaching me the ways of the world 
And I need to listen to the lessons 

Friday, 25 October 2024

Never another day

Never another day like that day I found you please
I can barely fathom the stages it’s so hard to believe 
Never another day like that appointment looming on that treasured final night of the year in 2022
Never another day like that one that took my breath away with it, and the person I was in that moment stopped, and this new one took over 
Never another day like that one before the operation lying in bed knowing you were growing inside me
Never another day like that birthday that felt oh so flat and painful as I caught those tubes on the sofa as I walked away
Never another day like the one I thought she’d not make it to, a taxi and alone for my first chemo but luckily she made it through 
Never another day like that one I realised how bad this was, how sick I felt, and how scared I really was

Never another day 
Never another day like that one when I realised my marriage was truly over and that I’d never return to my job of 6 years, 
Never another day like that one when I sat in my house knowing that would be the last time ever and all those dreams and plans up in smoke 
Never another day like that one I met all those people in that residential stay at the hospital, suffering with awful tumours and learning of the life they so very much hung on to 

Never another day
Never another day like the times I’d catch my reflection and think how did I get so sick, so pale and so bald
When did I become a long term patient 
Never another day 
I can’t keep up with the days and weeks and months that have been before me as I sit typing this 
I can barely process the angst, the tears and the loss of so many parts of my previous life
My previous life where for granted was so real, time seemed endless and future planning was my hobby 
I have changed forever and in some ways I’m so glad I have 
Too many months of real unhappiness, needed a reason to end them 
Needed a reason to leave 
My situation was not serving 
My life was not enough 

I can remember the reaction when I spoke those words, “I will never be the same again, I won’t be returning to normal…” never a truer statement 

Forever changed 
Never another day of that woman, this life started in that moment on that Friday afternoon, 10th Feb 2023. 
Never another day wasted 
Never another day taken for granted 
Never another day of unkindness to myself, or blame… as 2024 people say “it is, what it is”  

Saturday, 19 October 2024

Like this

It hasn’t always been like this, has it?
It seems if I really focus it has 
Maybe there were times I wasn’t this way but too few to remember 

I know it wasn’t the same with the serious one though 
The one I’d committed to
Not at first
Because she was so different 

What do people even talk about these days ?
I know I can fill an empty space and fill it with pointless nonsense 
Is that what communication looks like?
Is that what I’m looking for or should hold out for?

Can it not just be the looks?
I think I know it can’t as that’s not worked 
The looks far outweigh the person 9/10
And I don’t need the personality with my brain 
Like AI I just make it up
I put everything I like into one big bowl and mix it up
I spend time without consciously noticing the invention I am working on
So that when I do chat with them I’m so sure that minds creation links I lose the boundary
I can’t see the line between the reality and the fiction 
And I say I don’t like fiction?
Well maybe because I envelop people so deeply rooted into this interactive universe 
One they didn’t ever enter
But one I can never leave 

So to put my theory to the test 
An app without pictures 
Just personality 
Love is blind or should be 
To be shallow is not my choice 
But my pattern to be so hyper focused on the exterior 

I mean jeeez who ever said don’t judge a book by its cover
Seriously had multi meaning to that cause 

Sunday, 6 October 2024

Neck sprain

For the neck sprained and it caused me pain 
It caused the deepest pain imaginable
It kept me in one place 
Forged shut and without support 
I could no longer sit quietly and watch people pass by
For I could not watch them leave or be their shoulder should they cry

This neck paralyzed me in this moment and would not let me go
No painkiller released me 
No sleep rested me 
Tortured souls enveloped me as I tried all night to switch off
But in a disarray woken up I was
Startled by the earlyness of the hour
As my pain overtook my breath 
It controlled my head and I could not shake it 
I could not shake it as I couldn’t move 

Yet i remain hopeful 
I can feel the day upon me
The blueness in the sky
The love surrounds me and lifts me high above this shit
I will be patient 
Accept that I sometimes need to relax 
Let this time be unwasted 

Wednesday, 4 September 2024

And so I’ve landed

Today I landed 
I landed somewhere I’d never landed before
The unfamiliarity felt familiar
I didn’t panic and I didn’t stutter
I found my route out and I type this from a seat on my last but one part of my journey

I spent all my life looking for the familiarity 
For the smile that made me feel safe and protected
I have smiled at the wrong people 
Those people abused me 
They used me and they spat me out

I have rebuilt my personalities and dissected the scars from the pools of wastage on the floor
But still I have them
Those scars might have faded now but they will remain there forever
Like a continuous reminder of battles I fought 
I might have been injured in them but I am still here
Not seen like a hero though 
I’m not on any tv show
I didn’t admit to the reality of those times 
I don’t even tell myself 

Smiles are easy to do 
But they don’t mean anything 
Look into the eyes
That is when you will see the real truth
For people can’t hide the truth in those
I had this way of watching people 
Years of befriending the enemy made me feel check 
Focus in and see what’s there
Not what I want to see
But the realness

You know that moment a bulb goes
Say a set of three lights and one goes pop
At first it’s like it’s gone dark
Even though there’s two left 
For that initial shock and that initial bang 
You could argue it’s black out 
But you adjust 
You get used to it
It may not be the same but it still kind of does the job
I mean 2s better than 1 right?