Sunday 6 October 2024

Neck sprain

For the neck sprained and it caused me pain 
It caused the deepest pain imaginable
It kept me in one place 
Forged shut and without support 
I could no longer sit quietly and watch people pass by
For I could not watch them leave or be their shoulder should they cry

This neck paralyzed me in this moment and would not let me go
No painkiller released me 
No sleep rested me 
Tortured souls enveloped me as I tried all night to switch off
But in a disarray woken up I was
Startled by the earlyness of the hour
As my pain overtook my breath 
It controlled my head and I could not shake it 
I could not shake it as I couldn’t move 

Yet i remain hopeful 
I can feel the day upon me
The blueness in the sky
The love surrounds me and lifts me high above this shit
I will be patient 
Accept that I sometimes need to relax 
Let this time be unwasted 

Wednesday 4 September 2024

And so I’ve landed

Today I landed 
I landed somewhere I’d never landed before
The unfamiliarity felt familiar
I didn’t panic and I didn’t stutter
I found my route out and I type this from a seat on my last but one part of my journey

I spent all my life looking for the familiarity 
For the smile that made me feel safe and protected
I have smiled at the wrong people 
Those people abused me 
They used me and they spat me out

I have rebuilt my personalities and dissected the scars from the pools of wastage on the floor
But still I have them
Those scars might have faded now but they will remain there forever
Like a continuous reminder of battles I fought 
I might have been injured in them but I am still here
Not seen like a hero though 
I’m not on any tv show
I didn’t admit to the reality of those times 
I don’t even tell myself 

Smiles are easy to do 
But they don’t mean anything 
Look into the eyes
That is when you will see the real truth
For people can’t hide the truth in those
I had this way of watching people 
Years of befriending the enemy made me feel check 
Focus in and see what’s there
Not what I want to see
But the realness

You know that moment a bulb goes
Say a set of three lights and one goes pop
At first it’s like it’s gone dark
Even though there’s two left 
For that initial shock and that initial bang 
You could argue it’s black out 
But you adjust 
You get used to it
It may not be the same but it still kind of does the job
I mean 2s better than 1 right?

Monday 26 August 2024

Nothing prepares you

Nothing can prepare you for that first session 
Whatever you want to dress it up as 
The reality? It’s chemotherapy 
It’s been selected based on grade, type and stage
It’s a concoction of liquids 
like making potions as a child in the bath; using all your mums expensive Avon selections
But in this case, it’s plain old poison and it’s job is to be syringed directly into my vein and flung about my body, killing all that it sees 
Cancer cells, healthy cells
It’s not picky 
It doesn’t care

My first session was not easy
I’d been alone the night before
Tears down my face as I realised later but at least it happened that in that dark moment in which I was home alone 
Partner soon to be ex out drinking and two cats by my side like security 
That I would only have myself to rely on throughout
That this treatment was going to ruin me but that I needed to keep calm for myself
You have bloods taken several days before to check you are healthy enough to go ahead
As soon as that stuff starts entering you; your body really hasn’t known anything like it

I had a picc line so that meant that my first four infusions known as EC would not damage the veins or cause burns on my skin
No I’m not joking…

So imagine I’m there with all this stuff you read about needing 
Huge bag known as my chemo bag
Full of books and sweets and my iPad you know? Like it’s some day out 
2litre bottle of water ready to chug as that’s important to ensure you pass urine before you leave that day
I choose my chair like you do in the cinema 
Except this is completely different 
No thriller or romcom for me today
My nurse was amazing 
I mean they all were but the first nurse became my rock 
She got me with all my tisms and blank moments she understood
They fit my line and start with fluids and anti sickness and everything else you can imagine as a precaution to my reactions and allergies
Then a hospital staff member arrives with a bag 
Full of the days meds 
We have different colours for different types 
This room seems to fill up quickly each seat is taken 
The enormity of people affected has never really been easy to see
Mine was here
I confirm my name my NHS number and my DOB, it feels surreal that at 36 I was experiencing this
There was never a subject in this
No lessons like swimming or driving 
No way of preparing mentally or emotionally
You want to make a joke but the jokes on me 
You want to run away
You want it to be a sick April fool that went wrong 

But it’s none of these things
It’s attached to this device and this pole on wheels is attached to me
The saving grace is that my nurse gets to stay with me
Four syringes of the Red Devil and four syringes of the one that felt like I was drowning
She talks about everything 
I try and hide my fear but she can see it
It’s a large tube for the syringe and it’s going in 
Weird to see this line hanging out of your arm 
Knowing it’s deeply embedded in a vein leading directly to my heart
Being pumped around with my hearts beat
Slowly at first and calmly it starts entering
My fear of blood seems laughable now
I don’t know where to start with the fears I could now list
Watching this red liquid enter my body 
Pink box near me incase I react
Incase my body goes into shock at the audacity
How am I someone who was so healthy and happy
Experiencing this 
What the hell is life
Why me?
Why us?
Too many people
All ages
Not picky this C

I did react
Nausea was horrific at home
You sit in your head thinking what the hell is my body going through 
How is this even real
1 of 8 and I never want to go again 
The smell of the ward
Brings back the fear
Was in hospital several days later
All these meds and injections to follow
To be done by yours truly

But we don’t moan 
We don’t complain 
We don’t even react as it’s causing us sickness 
We do cry when alone
That’s what I’d do
I’d hug my body close and apologise under my breath
Apologise that my body let this in
That my body didn’t notice the signs
That this cell was a fake 
But it was too late
This was my path
This is my path
This path never ends
Station stops throughout life

But like they say with childbirth 
You never forget
It never goes away
The staff will stay with me forever
And unlike that child birth
We aren’t gifted with a baby
We are gifted with a bit more time 
And we hope there is no next time 
We spend our life hoping  

Sunday 18 August 2024

Three generations

Three generations 
All under one roof
All living out lives
All avoiding the bumps
The bumps in the roads as they endure life
The bumps in the road that bring along grief
The bumps in the road of mixed up feelings 
Of health outcomes
Of love loss and pain 

Three generations 
It ends with me 
I can’t reproduce or continue this line 
It was never my destiny 
But I think so hard
About those above me 
About the generations that had bad days
And how they continued to breathe
I think about the lives they may have led
And how hard it might have been 
Of losing loved ones young 
Of battling through adversity
Of the constant house changes
The constant school changes
The new girl narrative
The long walks to school
The tough lessons in different times
Being out late and hitchhiking home
To not being allowed out at all
To being evacuated
To living far away from home
To running down that field behind that unfamiliar place
And watching the trains as they passed by
Waving and crying 
Missing and hoping
Life being so unsettling

Three generations 
All under one roof
Each with a story
And each with a book
Each with its hard times
And each with its tough lessons
Each with its loss 
Each with its first love
And some with its last
Grief and pain and despair
But all still here
Never gave up
Kept the fight for life
Brought into the world the next life
The next generation
That ends with me

Strong women 
Never walked from a fight 
Never gave up any battle
Lived and loved life
I will carry the lessons learned
I will stand proud and tall
And although I won’t pass it on 
I will not let it fall
To the waste side 
To be forgotten 
It will forever exist
Through the stories 
The memories
And our hard fought fights for life 

Tuesday 16 July 2024

Navigate 🧭

I talk about you more
Remember our little things 
The things only we knew 
Angela rayner from redditch 
The cat lingo 
Our little ways, the love language we had embedded into 8years
Never did make it to 10 did we 
I always thought we’d make it to forever 
That was before we changed 
Before life threw the curve balls
They didn’t curve our life though did they 
Came flying at us, at a rate
A rate of knots
Took us out thrown into the abyss
Winded for months 
The agony and pain never did heal properly 
Sealed but never the same 
Healed but never the same feeling 
Numbed in parts 
The eyes didn’t glimmer 
Not like they used to 
They had dulled out 

We didn’t trust anymore 
The hugs weren’t as deep as they once were 
The safety had gone 
The forever had ended 
The love was lost 

All before my news 
All before my news deepened the loss
Spread the love thinner 
Less to try for 
I’d never be me again 
Not the me you’d met in Starbucks 
You’d never be that woman I had met 
The one I tore my walls down for 
Bared it all for your eyes
For you to disregard me in years to come

I don’t know where my walls are any more
They got destroyed in the storm that took with it the possessions 
The memories torn off the walls like rubble 
Pictures that told stories 
That captivated smiles and laughter 
So many sunsets had we witnessed 
In our loving embrace 
So happy to have found each other 
Told the story of our love 
The impossible match 
The excitement of dates 
The safety all wrapped up in you 
I hung on to your every word 
I got lost in your eyes
Did anything to make you smile 
Changed my whole life for you 

So yeah I’m talking about us more these days 
I’m telling the stories as the pain begins to soften 
For I have grieved for so much 
This past year or more has been so difficult 
But without you by my side 
It’s taken some time 
Time to adjust 
I’m still learning my own path 
My own direction 
There is only one set of footprints now
And I know sooner rather than later, I will stop looking for yours …. 

Sunday 14 July 2024

Tom, may you rest now

What can I tell you about my step grandad
Let’s remove the step first of all
For he lived in my life longer than Taid so I feel that title should change

Memories of Tom have been falling into my mind
Those from my childhood and older
Of seeing him last Saturday after such a long time 
To being with him in France as a youngster
From memories of his dogs Jaffa and Gater
To the portraits of us as kids and from weddings

From his love for scrabble and always winning 
Of enjoying red wine
Of eating more and mopping the plate with bread
To saying nothing at dinner other than a burp
From hating adverts on tv that be muted the sound
To spending time in his studio at the top of the house
Silently creating art with such detail and heart
Of people I knew well or of those I’d never met 

Tom was sarcastic in nature
Quick witted with his responses
So quick on his feet that he would catch you off guard
With his funny comments and his little laugh
More like a smirk or smile as he wound up my Nan 
For this, for him was endless fun
Whether admitting to being an Eastenders fan, or sitting for hours doing his sudoku 

Tom was intelligent and had lived such a long full life
89 years 6months of pure talent and creations
Whether through watercolour or built
Barns and studios and anything else
Well travelled and able to speak languages
So many stand out cars
The yellow one being my favourite
Commenting on my driving speed being slow, needing to save my money, to liking my written work and suggesting publishing it

Looking after me when I was younger 
Being found fast asleep together 
His favourite cereal being Jordan’s granola
Tanning well on holiday 
Remember when that large sun canvas landed on my head?
Or us not seeing eye to eye?
We were able to openly talk and disagree 
You loved ice cream 
You always had seconds if you could
You were always smartly dressed
For that pipe that you smoked, and sitting there in tweed
Your hat sat proudly.. peaky blinders style 
You had good taste in programmes
You loved my Nan 
You made her happy for all this time 

I will miss your presence
Because even with your lack of hearing or involvement in every conversation 
You always gave me time 
Even last Saturday 
You smiled when you saw me 
You listened to me
You hugged me and I said I would see you soon 
That next time we’d talk more

Your advice and ideas will not be forgotten 
I will do what I can to keep you alive in my world and heart
I will not forget about you 
You were my grandad 
I do hope you can rest and heal 
In peace 
I hope the adverts are gone where you are 
Plenty of wine and chocolate 

Tuesday 4 June 2024

And just like that

It is crazy to think that with a send it is all over 
A button.. an email with words and just like that 
The cord is cut that was deeply strained around my neck 
The noose they’d tied there years before 
The shame I felt as I tried to overrun the hierarchy of bullies, has been laid to rest. 

I can still remember the importance this role had for me in the year of 2018. It was the role that would change my working life, build me up with strong resilience and confidence. Enable me to become that lecturer I had always dreamed of being, especially after my previous place had stripped me back and taken its lashes of jealousy and anger out on my skin and my inner esteem for so long.. this place would be the change.

At first it was, the building was iconic and stood tall and proud beside the biggest city, the best city my hometown. It was clean and modern and I was so happy to be there. My commute was always so chill, to do a job you love means you never work a day, right?
But it soon grew old, it soon became overshadowed by full dark grey clouds, which blocked out all of my light, the bullies had started again, with subtle comments and treatments that only those with the sharpest eye could see 
It became bigger than me 
The days became longer and harder to get through
What was worse was that the students knew too
They witnessed it and heard the comments and they struggled to keep it quiet 

I was overthinking so much I stopped eating, my heart raced out of beat for months, these months became years.. walking in on deaf ears, walking in and choking on the tension they created
Isolated and ignored
Ridiculed and wasted
I found comfort in others 
There were allies in that place
Such strength which reminded me I was worthy 

It was reported and I went off sick
Sick for months 
Try it one time 
Losing all that you are 
All that you had left, my self esteem was so low it was hard to believe I’d ever be ok 

And I got better 
I worked on myself, I got stronger
And even though my battle was lost I was proud I’d fought at all
Bruised and scarred but not beaten 
Not giving up

But of course in life we face challenges 
3weeks after returning I found my C
Getting ready for work 
There it sat in my body 
4months later I was off again 
Treatment surgery and more treatment 

Fighting with all that strength I’d gained from the time I was off 

But today 
I ended it all
I closed the book 
I’d finished the last chapter
Almost 6 years 
Growth and defeat 
Progression and loss
Smiles and sorrow 
This place was my constant 
This job was my dream 
It still is
I still think fondly of this place
That building is still so strong 
It loses pieces now and then like a tower of jenga
Sadly the best pieces, the structural pieces are those that go 
Taken away or towel thrown in 

For me it was a ‘no choice’
It was a now or never 
It was a have more pride in yourself 
It is an unfinished project…

I had carved my ways into the bricks that will remain there forever 
I have hopefully left a legacy 
And won’t be forgotten 
Not for the illness, but for the fight and battles I braved, for learners, for staff and for myself

An era? yes 
A sadness I feel? yes
Any regrets? No, I did all I could do with the time I had.

Until next time, Toodle Pip BM3t 👋