Yes it was never perfect but it was what I had and what I was happy with
There were some pretty low times between us but even after that we were OK
When I got the news of my health and it being such a serious diagnosis I immediately shut down
I knew you couldn’t deal with it
I knew I had to hold myself up
You seemed to just disappear as each day passed by
The pain of losing a part of my body was grief I can never explain
Yes it was taking away the tumour but it was my body and something I still to this day can’t quite process
There were such dark times
And you had always been my light
But you were nowhere to be seen
You just vanished
The nights got lonelier as you spent them out with people who you’d known such a short time
Over me, who you’d been with almost 8 years
I could see the deadness in your eyes
I could not convince myself of any other excuse other than the burning brightness of you had let me go
It’s such a hard pill to swallow
Realising your whole life is changing
Without your control
Without your fault
No blame
Just pain and surgery and treatment that strips away all you ever had taking you to the core in the hope of ridding you of a disease that will surely take with it, your life
But with all this as well?
No passion or compassion
Just anger and disgust
Boaring into me as I sat there in pain from chemo
No energy to fight for us
Can’t win a losing battle
Can’t fight if you are not even looking up
You had no intention of saving this ship
We were truly doomed and you did not even look back to see the damage
You were pages ahead in this twisted tale
I was just a bystander in the end
Watching as you took it all away from me
The memories snapped into pictures existed now as only memories
The kindness in your eyes had died
That look I used to fear was now the constant
I cry because I miss it
I cry because I thought it was deeper than it ever was
It was only ever surface level and that hurts to accept
I gave myself to you
Fully and unapologetically
And you didn’t even pick it up
Not really
Not really
I tried
I always met you halfway
I did all I could
I was not always right but I did try
I will just have to stop looking over my shoulder
You were never behind me
You were never trying to catch me up
We weren’t even on the same page
Our story has been written
The ending was abrupt but coming
Just like the rings in the boxes hidden out of sight
The pictures boxed up and never to see the light
We are done
It will take some time to really move passed it all
But that is the only path I have
KP nuts
Over and out
Lights out
Door closed