Sunday, 27 November 2022

A lesson and a truth

And when the day is here 
Embrace it 
For we have no end date 
No best before 
It is just the now and vague memories of the been 
We cannot feel the future 
We are not in it 

I can remember being younger 
I had so much emotion inside 
More than I could ever interpret or express 
It used to seep out through angst or anger 
Getting in a mood or having a tantrum was my way of being 
It was what I knew and almost how I understood to be
I was always the middle child you know the problem, aggressive and the one who was blamed for everything but guilty of nothing … most of the time 

I was someone who could not explain my thoughts so when unsure I would just ask others 
What would you do 
What do you think 
What should I say, do .. who am I? What shall I do next ? Be next ?

It was a strange one but this was my way of coping because I had so much anxiety 
I didn’t want to do the wrong thing or suggest a different option 
I wanted people to like me accept me and so if that meant moulding into them, blending or just pretending that was ok. I was prepared to do that 

I am not that girl as much as my age but I do still fall for that route I think is easier, the only change is that now I actually know myself more and with it without full ack. I know who I am and what I am scared of and struggle with
Unique is always me and I do try my best but I will move in the present as me and stop trying to hide from it 
I am always striving to do my best and be the best for others but I realise that I need to be the best for myself first and foremost 

Life is a choice and it’s tough 
I have made decisions I am proud of and others of which I am not 
But I am still learning and through each lesson or bad decision comes the experiences and lessons 
The pain is what we get, but from it we get the strength and power to pursue more 

I miss people and moments and before I uncovered the truth I enjoyed the fake life I led at work 
But I respect myself more for bringing the light in 
That torchlight shone so bright onto the toxic existence that it left me blinking stars for days 
But I would do it again 
It was about seeing the truth 
And yes it’s painful and it hurt 
I’m scarred from their words of pure hatred 
There is a lesson 
An experience 
And hopefully something I will remember and not fall for again 

Friday, 28 October 2022

Been lost

When the leaves started to grow on the trees around my garden 
I saw life starting and the sun shone so strong above and warmed the grass and my heart 
I was no longer working and the days were blissful if a little scary 
The times were slowly passing but I was here for it as I had nothing else 
I was so positive about the outcomes and reality that my statement would change for the better 
I would sit in the garden and my eyes closed coffee in hand and I would feel ok 
I would feel protected and warmed 

Time seemed to be flying by and I could not see an ending anytime soon 
The leaves that once glistened in the sunshine were starting to die 
They were changing colour and with the change came the doubt in my heart 
I was saddened as they browned
Eventually the weather changed 
The rain would not stop
The garden was drowning in its clatter
The leaves were strewn about the floor
No more sunshine 
No more warmed heart 
Just fear

Wind rain and fear

Wednesday, 21 September 2022

A little time

Build me up like the blocks of a child’s pass time before me
Make sure the blocks can’t be removed 
My life cannot be that Jenga like structure I have so often experienced in my past
Tell me about the times you have had falls so big that the cuts left deep rooted scars that reappeared in dark nights and low moods
For I am just 35 but for the persecutions I’ve lived in I feel so much older
But not so much wiser as you’d all like me to be

I have always put my arms out for others 
Drowning myself just to save a soul
In pain and alone but others use me as stepping stones to love or achievements 

Am I where I thought I’d be?
Probably in most cases 
In most elements of my life I have exceeded 
Marriage a home my family still here 
Personal development seems to have stopped in areas 

Thursday, 11 August 2022

The A

And this is not what I expected to find out 
But in a way the release of they why’s and how’s are now subtly collecting their belongings and leaving 
The overwhelming existence I have endured has finally come to some form of understanding and conclusion 
The reality that I was never able to change all that I longed to 
Or understanding others reasoning for making their choices and in most cases leaving me behind has not been in vain but is now just attached to a further explanation, one without blame but answers 

Tuesday, 14 June 2022

The A word

So what do I do now 
This is not the ending I had wanted and now it’s all that I can choose 
The end credits play out now as I sit unable to move
Paralysed with feelings that are overflowing and pouring out on the floor 
I cannot just accept this is all I can gain
I wanted more
I am not happy with this I want to make a complaint 
But there is no customer service available to fix this sordid mess
This is reality and I am awake and I have no choice but to roll over hurt and in pain and await my fate

It’s not the best time either as we draw down to the final act of the academic year 
The curtain closer is stood on the side of the stage ready to untie the wraps and let these heavy pieces of cloth cover the faces of all those I have taught 
They will be leaving and I am left with pride but a void which in its typical A way will need filling 

This life is just exhausting the way that I am is all to the surface and people can see the truth 
Finally we have an answer that we can all sit down and discuss with stale biscuits and cold tea
But it’s not that simple for me you know
I don’t sit there with my light bulb on brightly glowing and a smile on my face
I feel even more entrenched in my own existence and I feel ever more upset and baffled that all this life of mine, this persistent ache in my heart has finally got a name but that does not FIX it
It just fills my head with even more questioning and even more loss 
The pain has not stopped 
It just makes it less resolvable 
I cannot have closure on this for this is a diagnosis which cannot be undone 
I know it’s real and I see it all the time now
And I’m not afraid that it is my truth 
I just feel disappointed that I cannot have a trauma that could be uncovered and then I went normal 
Normal like the world appears to be on its surface 
The normal I can never experience for I am not 

I still miss the people that have been part of my journey
I miss the conversation and the banter and the distraction 
They don’t feel it 
Their game is over 
We both needed distractions but mine was deeper 
My attraction to life falls far deeper than the depths of the sea
I feel deeper and stronger than anyone I could ever meet
And with each day it falls heavier on my heart 
Heavier on my mind 
Heavier still…

Ask me how I feel
I answer with, this is deepest deep I have ever felt and it’s scary but exciting to be alive but also drains me every second I am awake and I want this to stop. I want to wake up as if this was a dream. One I will tell my P as I wake. But I know in that moment her eyes tell me this is not a dream. This is my life and always will be. 

Sunday, 23 January 2022

Illness turns to meltdown

Never should we look at our peripheral and think anything but gratitude 
For we are not here to complain 
We are not here to look for more money or more stuff
We are here to live and love hard
For when I think of people with money and stuff I do not picture the happiness or warmth in their smiles
I feel the want of warmth at night with a close loved one, or a walk in the autumn holding hands with their spouse 

Stuff is exciting, you unwrap it and you wear it or eat it or show people it
It’s like a trophy 
But trophy’s rust 
Trophy’s are only as good as their trend or status 
When they are no longer on trend they are placed back in a box and take up space in the eaves

They cannot go with us 
These clothes and shoes
They cannot all be worn at the same time 
The food will only make you fat after all 
So why do I feel sick with this feeling of not having trophies?
Why am I worried about money and stuff
Why am I stressing over what I think I need

I have found as you get older, illness becomes more than a day off and daytime tv and being waited on by your mum and dad
It becomes a mental chore
You don’t switch off to rest and relax 
You switch on full wack and you blow up your mind with thoughts of everything you cannot do
Everything you should be doing at work but can’t because of being off sick
The list of jobs you will have to do as you return spirals 
Your dreams are all work 
You wake up thinking about the call to Hr 
You sit in your house and you feel guilt 
Guilt and almost lazy because you are ill 

It all just catches up with you and internally you feel miserable 
A waste man 
But you are ill 
For as a working adult to call in sick and not be would never be
And being off sick is no fun 
Not like the days of this morning and loose women, that’s for sure