They are not safe anymore for the wind is coming and will not wait
Life has been a tumultuous existence in which heart and soul has been pushed against its rock and hard place
The pain has been squeezed deep into the pores of your skin and left you effortlessly tired
You are no longer able to muster the words of forgiveness and solitude is your only friend
The lights burn too bright for the sore eyes which are stained and wrinkled from the stinging of salted water which poured so heavily from them
I will not apologise for being
For being is a blessing in this uncomfortable existence
The existence which has taken the beauty of company of others and replaced it with the fear of ill health and guilt
We have been blamed and slaughtered for wanting to see those we love
Cancelled plans that have been the light for so many’s tunnel
Weddings and births are now a solo project in which only the brave or stupid can partake
Life is not as we knew it
But a sketch that was left out in the ruins of thunderstorms to smudge and become drenched
We are no longer able to see through the tinted lenses that are placed on our faces as we wake to the morning tune of birds
Concealed like some cheap make up you got free in a bingo hall toilet
Sticking to the floor that has been trampled for so many years the carpet is so weathered the colour doesn’t have a name
Dragging our limbs up stairs in fear of lifts or social contact
Becoming shadows of our former glory days
Nostalgia over fantasy times we can’t remember
Missing the days of a bus journey without concern over masks or distance
Eye contact being something we all avoided but now how we read a rooms mood
How we interpret feeling for the voice and normal conversation diminishes to a face time call in this new societal norm of 2021
Come down from the heights
Look down at your hands holding a phone which encompasses your new life
Time lost to short videos of action and comedy
For this is our new normal
This is our life now