Saturday, 24 July 2021

G & P

Come down from the heights 
They are not safe anymore for the wind is coming and will not wait 

Life has been a tumultuous existence in which heart and soul has been pushed against its rock and hard place
The pain has been squeezed deep into the pores of your skin and left you effortlessly tired
You are no longer able to muster the words of forgiveness and solitude is your only friend

The lights burn too bright for the sore eyes which are stained and wrinkled from the stinging of salted water which poured so heavily from them 

I will not apologise for being
For being is a blessing in this uncomfortable existence 
The existence which has taken the beauty of company of others and replaced it with the fear of ill health and guilt
We have been blamed and slaughtered for wanting to see those we love
Cancelled plans that have been the light for so many’s tunnel
Weddings and births are now a solo project in which only the brave or stupid can partake
Life is not as we knew it
But a sketch that was left out in the ruins of thunderstorms to smudge and become drenched
We are no longer able to see through the tinted lenses that are placed on our faces as we wake to the morning tune of birds
Concealed like some cheap make up you got free in a bingo hall toilet
Sticking to the floor that has been trampled for so many years the carpet is so weathered the colour doesn’t have a name
Dragging our limbs up stairs in fear of lifts or social contact

Becoming shadows of our former glory days
Nostalgia over fantasy times we can’t remember 
Missing the days of a bus journey without concern over masks or distance 
Eye contact being something we all avoided but now how we read a rooms mood
How we interpret feeling for the voice and normal conversation diminishes to a face time call in this new societal norm of 2021

Come down from the heights
Look down at your hands holding a phone which encompasses your new life
Time lost to short videos of action and comedy 
For this is our new normal
This is our life now 

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

This islands carpet

Take me higher 
Fly me out of this country 
Out of the world
That is shredded and falling apart

The surrounding environments feel weathered and no longer hold their classy feelings of being someone
The world has changed so much I can’t quite remember the before
Not just the guidance or recommendations or laws
But the people
So many people lost battles to something we can’t even see
Just an image designed to show that it’s dangerous 
With it it takes your last breath 

Not a soul can run from it and everyone I know I just want to protect 
But people listen to that moral panic 
That media storm that has taken the innocence and trust 
It throws itself dangerously against our shelter and drowns all that gets caught out

Not anything can run from that 
It’s like some csi film glitch that always runs you out 

Take me higher 
Put me in a seat and throw me into the atmosphere 
Let the faith and belief that I have help me land safely
That faith in the human I am 
Just a dash in time 
Born to make a difference
An impact on another

I feel like a saviour and a victim in the same second
Random rambles 
From the earth that we walk on
Under a sky that keeps the sun shining
From a different country
But in our island
Our island of chances and possibilities 

Never shade where you grew up
For it created who you are today
All those experiences and memories are encapsulated in this place of calm and peace

Enough peace to hear my thoughts this evening
Enough peace to empty the bins 
Process my ramblings into text to share with you 

Thursday, 1 July 2021

Still hurts

It still hurts you know
That healing process has been going on for months
Like the wound that won’t seal
It pours out all over me sometimes
At night the tears are falling
I try all I can to control it but sometimes I just let it in
Let it consume
It has to

I’m still angry about it all the time 
Angry that it was him and us and now 
When life is already difficult 
When your career has become your life as you slowly drown below the expectations 
As you struggle to keep up with the mental well-being of all your students your staff and now family too
Hardest assault course I’ve ever been through 
Hated every second of it
Didn’t want to lose on my final day of college 
So I didn’t show up at all
Who was she
Run away at any risk of losing
These days I can be in last place and still push through 
It still hurts me though..

Seen as a role model
Me a role model?
Me inspiration 
Can’t quite get my breathe at those comments
I just blush and dismiss them
Crazy cat really aren’t I?

But I figure if I get better at this bit, the rest will fall in line 
Never really been someone who gives up 
I don’t give up on anyone
Not one student have I left behind
Drag them if I have to

Need that attitude with myself now

But just know
It still hurts
But I have faith in the healing