Wednesday, 25 December 2019

Xmas day 2019

And as we walk down the last short tunnel to the end of the year we try not to look back
To look back would make us focus less on what's coming up and this way we could trip
We try not to look back at the parts of life we have missed or the parts of life we wish to forget 
We try not to ponder on decisions we have made and those pending
We try to look at the future with open eyes
With hearts full but ready for more
Families are close but not as close as they were when the days were shorter and our skin was younger
Christmas is not the same but a new experience, a mature version which is filled with splendour and expensive meals and gifts
It's not about the falling asleep and trying to dream, waiting for Father Christmas but the trying to stay awake as the clock ticks down the day, 
Work is full and gets fuller each year as our experience and expertise grows
We are not planning weekends but years in advance and its exciting
Our life is round and full
My heart beats and its happy
I have few close friends left but those left matter
I have close colleagues who find the good and keep it
I have family full of warmth memories and the best hugs and a cat who has given me fun and love for almost 16yrs
Then there's my wife
She's a perfect day in a wretched sleet filled view
She's the soft in the rough and she's my life
Sunsets are stunning glistening off her eyes and I look forward to each year we celebrate together entwined 

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