I miss you
I miss your face, your eyes and your fluffy tail and paws
I miss the massages on my arms you used to give me
I miss your lil noises your miaow and your cleaning rituals
I miss your comfort and your affection
I miss your scent and the thickness of your fur
I miss how you'd sit and listen to me ramble on
I looked to you for advice and in my heart I felt you gave it
You calmed down rows
You made us feel needed on dark days
You were beautiful
You were Joey
I will love you forever
The pain of you leaving us last night is deep and it hurts
But i trust that you are near and you will guide us through it
Like you did
Through no work and stress and anxiety
And grief of other pets and family
Through life you were with us
On holidays and sunny days and long cold wintery days
This is not goodbye
This is, I'll see you soon
You were my fur baby. You brought so much happiness to me and P. We were the ♥️🔼
Life is not the same anymore but I trust that it will repair. We will grieve and we will repair. I love you
28th April 2004 - 27th December 2019