Saturday, 6 April 2019

The end is in sight

Take me back to the beginning
Take me right back to a time when it was all so easy
Take me so far back to a time I couldn't even spell my name
Or draw within the lines
Or cry for something that was of real meaning

Please take me back, when I fall asleep let me sink deep into dreams filled of smiles love and sunshine
The cloud has not left since I heard the news and I can't get this thought out of my head
For the thought is about an ending to a story that I've never put down
To a time when life was easy and just clockwork
No bumps in this road just adventure and purrs
She was always so vibrant and full of character
She has always stood out as the quirky one
The one who gave you gifts, however cute and fluffy
Who dragged herself through tiny spaces and forced herself into tiny boxes
Always sat on mums bag or your favourite coat
Peaceful yet not a lap cat
She would hiss at anything and always had that fight in her
We'd play the "arm game" and watch her pounce so fast you wouldn't be ready
She would sleep so silently in the tiniest ball anywhere
Never a noise
But time ticked by
And almost 17 years old, her adventure is starting to slow down
The day is almost over
The playground is ready to close soon
And we are left with the feelings it churns up inside
Deep inside of our hearts because she was always so content
It didn't matter what change she faced she would just cope
She never changed
She never let you down
And for me, she gave me the biggest gift
My beautiful cat Joey
Oh which I will always be grateful

Which is why as I type this I want you to remember her
And take me back
When I can't sleep
Take me back to the living room where we would sit
To the TV that she'd be perched on hoping you'd play or feed her
To the tiny cat sat at the end of the biggest bed, asleep and peaceful

Let the pain be free from her and let her adventure long continue in the kingdom in the sky

I love you Chloe
Always and forever
You were a lovely part of our family.

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