Wednesday, 24 April 2019

P, 2019

Suddenly the lights are faded
All I can see is shadows amongst candles everywhere
I feel lost
But then I recognise the figure
It's my one true love sat in front of me
She's smiling and barely flinches to the noise of the electricity shortage
She is talking away to strangers so easily without any concern nor haste
She is always so comfortable
She will talk to anyone
Whatever country
Rain or shine
That's how you know life is a puzzle
We all have things we can't complete properly
We might have a go, but struggle
And then you meet the pieces that complete yours
It can be anything and it doesn't need to be major
It just needs to make sense
The love, chemistry understanding and trust are all in sync and then your strengths can be detailed to eachother
To me, P is my voice when mine is shy, my courage when mine is faded, my confidence when I struggle. If its cold out she's always warm and she always knows what to say before she knows my day.
She is the love to my heart and the oxygen to my body
She doesn't complete me, she makes me, me
Without worry, concern or neglect
She is my wife and I am happy

Tuesday, 23 April 2019


Just sit down on a chair
And look out below to the clear blue waves, as they are crashing against the rocks
The surroundings are busy and full of life but here in front of my feet I see waves
People are arriving in cars with cameras to take pictures of the atlantic sea
It attracts people for its beauty you see
There is a large long white ship going passed slowly from left to right filling my peripheral at any one time
It's not going very fast but it probably has people on it looking below them at these waves
In places you can see white foam from the crashing of waves in the centre of my view
There's a pier type platform below me that people often enter the water from in the day time
For now it stands empty with the sun shining down on it
This is all observation and happening now as I type it
The waves are bringing a nice breeze against my sun-kissed arms and legs as I sit here absorbing it's peacefulness
It is priceless
It does it at will
The waves move around without concern for what they make contact with
They just move around and bounce off themselves
The noise is addictive and a place people flock to when they need some head space
Some time to just shut off that annoying noise that is our mind and to just hear the forever continuing waves and water
It is in our nature, surely
I mean aren't we made up nearly entirely of this brilliant liquid
Is this why we like it so much
The building is poised so well and welcomes the magnificent scenery of the blue liquid
The sea life amongst it
The smell so clean and refreshing
The ship is 50% further along than it was
I'm still typing
I'm still sat memorised by this beautiful experience
An experience I will bring fully to my mind when a day takes its toll
I'll remember how I feel now
Content, relaxed and completely at peace
Never change

Saturday, 6 April 2019

The end is in sight

Take me back to the beginning
Take me right back to a time when it was all so easy
Take me so far back to a time I couldn't even spell my name
Or draw within the lines
Or cry for something that was of real meaning

Please take me back, when I fall asleep let me sink deep into dreams filled of smiles love and sunshine
The cloud has not left since I heard the news and I can't get this thought out of my head
For the thought is about an ending to a story that I've never put down
To a time when life was easy and just clockwork
No bumps in this road just adventure and purrs
She was always so vibrant and full of character
She has always stood out as the quirky one
The one who gave you gifts, however cute and fluffy
Who dragged herself through tiny spaces and forced herself into tiny boxes
Always sat on mums bag or your favourite coat
Peaceful yet not a lap cat
She would hiss at anything and always had that fight in her
We'd play the "arm game" and watch her pounce so fast you wouldn't be ready
She would sleep so silently in the tiniest ball anywhere
Never a noise
But time ticked by
And almost 17 years old, her adventure is starting to slow down
The day is almost over
The playground is ready to close soon
And we are left with the feelings it churns up inside
Deep inside of our hearts because she was always so content
It didn't matter what change she faced she would just cope
She never changed
She never let you down
And for me, she gave me the biggest gift
My beautiful cat Joey
Oh which I will always be grateful

Which is why as I type this I want you to remember her
And take me back
When I can't sleep
Take me back to the living room where we would sit
To the TV that she'd be perched on hoping you'd play or feed her
To the tiny cat sat at the end of the biggest bed, asleep and peaceful

Let the pain be free from her and let her adventure long continue in the kingdom in the sky

I love you Chloe
Always and forever
You were a lovely part of our family.