Thursday, 25 October 2018

A few kind words

Today I felt sad
I was playing music and remembering the young times
The times as a child
Sitting in the back seat with my brother and sister
The music playing loudly
Knowing the words
It was his music
His songs
He was letting us into his teenage/early adulthood life
He was making us understand
The lyrics were blazed but the songs meant unity
We would look forward to hearing more
First it was queen, it was the eels, it was nick Drake, twin peaks, and the French man whose name has left me

Any night since I am snapped straight back
Those few starting notes throw me
I am a child again
The songs are singing loud in my head
I can never forget and honestly I never want to

My parents have always been wrapped up in music,
Bowie, REM, Gabrielle, Abba etc etc
Just moments and stop gaps and memories

This morning a song was played
It was both Bowie and Queen
Mum and Dad
It felt different today
It made me feel happy but sad
I was scared for what will be, one day
I had realised finally that I was no longer a child
I was no longer young
I am an adult
But I will always remember dance lessons and holidays and panto at Christmas
Of singing the words and making up dances
Of being the middle child of three
In the back seat of a family sized car
Going somewhere
With a family who have been there through everything
World class people
Who I love dearly
And eternally

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