Friday, 6 July 2018

Rabble and cocktails

Should there be a moment
A time to stop and think
A time to really understand the situation
Does life even give you that these days
It's like everyday is on a countdown
No one seems to stop and see what's happening

Should we call it quits
Tell everyone it's over and let it all fall away
That way the commentators will find another drama to haunt
Leave us to clear up the party and move on

For parties are a thing to discuss
You can spend hours planning one
Weeks even
Go into the whole detail
The food the drinks the people
Decorations and themes
People showing up excited and full of the birds of spring
The music is played and the drinks flow and the people chat and dance
The conversation becomes deeper as the night continues
The drinks become anchors or confidence for some
You see those shy become louder and able to talk to their 3 year crush
The conversations are steeped in emotion and it can become really quite deep and necessary for many to offload the weeks shit they have carried
Empty the rucksack on their back of all the shit they are carrying and dealing and hating and not needing
Search for closure in a gin and tonic
Hope it brings the answers the mundane 9-5 doesn't
Trust in the stranger who now knows more than their closest friends
The stranger who brings the shoulder and doesn't let them down
The stranger who sits and listens with a patient ear and concerned wisdom filled voice

Then the day dawns in
The sun is coming up and the garden seems full of voice and need
The taxis are ordered and the garden looks like a bomb site with all the drinks and left food plates
The host clears as she goes with a bin bag. Checks in on her guests and keeps the evening rolling
The drinks are empty
The bins are full
Some guests leave lighter than they arrived
They have closure and happiness
They await a hangover and prepare with water and paracetamol
The party was a success
New friendships are formed
Love blossoms

Unforgettable but meaningful and something that will last in the memories of those who attended for weeks and months to come.

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