They lit up the sky tonight
They were well timed as I walked in the night sky
I had been walking for hours now and didn't know where I was anymore
The sky started to change colour
It was almost trying to guide me
I had so much to think about
I'd popped out to clear my head you see.. But this walk had felt like hours so far
Still full
Conversations were whirring around my head all too often as I scrambled over the ground below me
I knew my trainers and jeans were sodden now from the damp wintery land below each step I was taking
They were drenching my socks
These rocks and hills
I had no phone on me
Not even my key
I was in the rural world surrounded by green which was now a darker glow from this sky
The heavens were planning on opening and I wasnt in the house
I wasn't even prepared
I had no coat and no umbrella
The rain started to fall
At first light and unintentional
Then faster heavier and with purpose
It was thrashing itself down onto me
Onto my hair my shoulders my arms and legs
Did I walk faster?
I should have done but instead I stopped
I stood right there not a step further
I tilted my head up to the sky and said in my head.. Come on then
Bring it
It was cleansing me
It was purifying my head and cleaning my mind
It was taking every stress I felt away with it
Smacking it hard off the ground until it was banished and unconscious
It was not taking anymore of my time up
Life is too fcukin short
We need to enjoy it more
This storm was letting me let it go
I felt emotional with this opportunity
I was so thankful
So relieved and so blessed
My mind felt clear
I was better
It felt better
I could see my way
It was clearer now
Nothing blocking my path anymore
Note to self :
It's always a good idea to reassess
Know what's what
Don't hold back on memories
Make them in abundance
Understand that life throws things hard
Like dodge ball sometimes it can hit you head on, and sometimes you can be missed
Life is never easy or planned
Let life be what it is
Let ideas and chances have a go at making you happy
Don't be so set on your ideas
Don't plan too much
Some days it might rain
And it might ruin your plans
Like they say
You need to learn to dance in the rain
Or in this case
Stand tall, accept some things are unable to be resolved in your chosen wanted route
We have to react to the now
And stop living in the might be
Enjoy time
It's all we have
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