Thursday, 15 December 2011

The Winter nights are so still....

Winter as a child was the most anticipated time of my year
I was blown away with excitement over the magic that surrounded December
Starting with the advent calender, thrilled with the countdown everyday
The Coca Cola advert, telling you "holidays were coming"
Seeing the tree arrive after my Dad went and got it,
Decorating the tree and the house
Christmas cards filling every shelf
At night passing the warmth that streamed through the windows of decorated houses 
Writing a list of please may I haves...
Sleeping and wishing and giggling at the joy of it all

Christmas Eve was always a struggle,
I would have my Christmas hat on and my smile so wide
leaving carrots and mince pies and just running around
and trying so hard to fall asleep
waking at any noise

Morning would come, 
presents filled my room,
stocking was full of wrapped treats
lots of food to be eaten
lots of family to see
lots of wows and thank yous over what others received
giving and giving and giving some more

Those memories forever in my heart
Forever on my mind
This year is a little different
But only because of where I am
Not because the feeling has gone anywhere
I am always a child in my heart and I still buzz with excitement when I see decorated houses, lights and trees and just a warm familiar feeling arrives

I do wish you all a great Christmas
To me Christmas will always be about my family,


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