Saturday, 17 September 2011


it is one thing here,
and it is something you have to remember...

I wont tell you over and over, 
I wont write it on your wall,
You will remember it now as I type it to you...

It is of huge importance,
It is necessary to move on 
Are you ready to hear the truth?

Don't get all defensive over this,
Don't pretend you can't hear me,
Like I say 
I will tell you this one time.

I don't wish to have to repeat myself again,
That annoys me
Loud and clearly stated


People can be whoever they want to be, 
They can create this reality for you
They can make you believe
They can make you fall for them
They can make you trust them with everything you are
They can meet your family
They can be your friend
They can share your secrets
Hear your stories
Tell you they love you
Make love to you
and so on....

REMEMBER them for what they are when it is over
REMEMBER how they made you feel the second they changed their mind
REMEMBER that is wasn't fake but it is no longer here

Remember them for what they actually are... in the end.... when the curtain closes,
When the lights go out,
That moment you can't catch your breath
That memory you quieten when you are trying to sleep and look forward to your life.. 

When you go to sleep alone, 
When you look over at that bare side of your bed 
Don't feel low because of what was
Remember what is and be thankful for it

Be thankful that you saw the truth eventually
However awful, however painful, however shameful
It is there, this is them now, this is you now... 

Like I said, don't ignore this... 

I won't tell you again... 

When you are ready.... You will get up and find somebody new.... Until then, enjoy your own time and company....

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