Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Navigate 🧭

I talk about you more
Remember our little things 
The things only we knew 
Angela rayner from redditch 
The cat lingo 
Our little ways, the love language we had embedded into 8years
Never did make it to 10 did we 
I always thought we’d make it to forever 
That was before we changed 
Before life threw the curve balls
They didn’t curve our life though did they 
Came flying at us, at a rate
A rate of knots
Took us out thrown into the abyss
Winded for months 
The agony and pain never did heal properly 
Sealed but never the same 
Healed but never the same feeling 
Numbed in parts 
The eyes didn’t glimmer 
Not like they used to 
They had dulled out 

We didn’t trust anymore 
The hugs weren’t as deep as they once were 
The safety had gone 
The forever had ended 
The love was lost 

All before my news 
All before my news deepened the loss
Spread the love thinner 
Less to try for 
I’d never be me again 
Not the me you’d met in Starbucks 
You’d never be that woman I had met 
The one I tore my walls down for 
Bared it all for your eyes
For you to disregard me in years to come

I don’t know where my walls are any more
They got destroyed in the storm that took with it the possessions 
The memories torn off the walls like rubble 
Pictures that told stories 
That captivated smiles and laughter 
So many sunsets had we witnessed 
In our loving embrace 
So happy to have found each other 
Told the story of our love 
The impossible match 
The excitement of dates 
The safety all wrapped up in you 
I hung on to your every word 
I got lost in your eyes
Did anything to make you smile 
Changed my whole life for you 

So yeah I’m talking about us more these days 
I’m telling the stories as the pain begins to soften 
For I have grieved for so much 
This past year or more has been so difficult 
But without you by my side 
It’s taken some time 
Time to adjust 
I’m still learning my own path 
My own direction 
There is only one set of footprints now
And I know sooner rather than later, I will stop looking for yours …. 

Sunday, 14 July 2024

Tom, may you rest now

What can I tell you about my step grandad
Let’s remove the step first of all
For he lived in my life longer than Taid so I feel that title should change

Memories of Tom have been falling into my mind
Those from my childhood and older
Of seeing him last Saturday after such a long time 
To being with him in France as a youngster
From memories of his dogs Jaffa and Gater
To the portraits of us as kids and from weddings

From his love for scrabble and always winning 
Of enjoying red wine
Of eating more and mopping the plate with bread
To saying nothing at dinner other than a burp
From hating adverts on tv that be muted the sound
To spending time in his studio at the top of the house
Silently creating art with such detail and heart
Of people I knew well or of those I’d never met 

Tom was sarcastic in nature
Quick witted with his responses
So quick on his feet that he would catch you off guard
With his funny comments and his little laugh
More like a smirk or smile as he wound up my Nan 
For this, for him was endless fun
Whether admitting to being an Eastenders fan, or sitting for hours doing his sudoku 

Tom was intelligent and had lived such a long full life
89 years 6months of pure talent and creations
Whether through watercolour or built
Barns and studios and anything else
Well travelled and able to speak languages
So many stand out cars
The yellow one being my favourite
Commenting on my driving speed being slow, needing to save my money, to liking my written work and suggesting publishing it

Looking after me when I was younger 
Being found fast asleep together 
His favourite cereal being Jordan’s granola
Tanning well on holiday 
Remember when that large sun canvas landed on my head?
Or us not seeing eye to eye?
We were able to openly talk and disagree 
You loved ice cream 
You always had seconds if you could
You were always smartly dressed
For that pipe that you smoked, and sitting there in tweed
Your hat sat proudly.. peaky blinders style 
You had good taste in programmes
You loved my Nan 
You made her happy for all this time 

I will miss your presence
Because even with your lack of hearing or involvement in every conversation 
You always gave me time 
Even last Saturday 
You smiled when you saw me 
You listened to me
You hugged me and I said I would see you soon 
That next time we’d talk more

Your advice and ideas will not be forgotten 
I will do what I can to keep you alive in my world and heart
I will not forget about you 
You were my grandad 
I do hope you can rest and heal 
In peace 
I hope the adverts are gone where you are 
Plenty of wine and chocolate