Saturday, 4 May 2024

As the day falls

What is left to collect
Like a party full of guests a table full of glasses
Tell me what to clear away
Tell me what to get rid of 

The place used to look so white and clean 
These days it’s stained in a colour I cannot shift
A life that’s been and left pain all over the place
A life that was reeling happiness and potential is now struggling to breathe in the waves of the sea

Such a long time 
Memories spilling over the sides 
Continuously drowning my hopes and dreams with moments in time 
Moments I cannot seem to shed 
Shed so that I can re build 

Telling everyone you met that you were a fraud 
A fake it till you make it but fake it forever type person 
Like you could never step out of place
That it must have been me 
When it’s written all over your face 
Etched in like a tattoo 
You told me you were happy 
You told me that we would be ok 
You told me that it was forever
When I got the news you told me in sickness and in health 
Cancer they said 
As I stared into the blankness as my mind looked for the words
In my breast 
For a while
Surgery and treatment 
The mat was pulled from below me 
I could barely make eye contact
But you told me you would be there 
As I say numbed like anaesthetic 
You told me you would be there 
I believed you 
I trusted you 
But you left me 
You left me alone so much 
I blamed myself for the C
I tried so hard to be attractive 
So hard to be me 
The me before this took over my body
Took over my health 
Took over me 

As the days fell
So did our relationship 
Our wedding day memories became foggy
The promises we made on holidays 
As we flew into new countries
As we decorated houses
As we created our life 

Cancer just took it all
All your promises
All our plans and future wishes

I lay here 
My mind searching through the years of moments 
Moments of happiness and joy
Moments of heartbreak 
Moments of triumph and achievement
Moments of despair 

As we lay it to rest
Divorce on the horizon 
All those stages of trying to create a unit
A unit that crumbled
A unit that died

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

When is it enough?

Take away my sanity and leave me be 
Take away my filter and let me bleed
Don’t try to stop this rage you see forming 
Let it spill over and drown my surrounding 
Let me cry until I’m sick 
And when I’m sick let me cry again 
For all this trauma has left a feeling 
A feeling I cannot shift
It weighs me down like heavy shopping 
I’m starting to wonder what I’m even carrying 
Put down the bags and go through it all
Get rid of that, which doesn’t serve me 
That curbs appetite or causes sickness
Check dates and ask how long I really have 
Will I even want it when the time comes 
Choose what I like not what they say I should
Then condense it
10 bags become 5 bags become 1
Stand up and look at all that baggage I didn’t need
Those feelings that did not relate to me
That behaviour was not my fault
My illness was not my doing 

As I leave the store of my life 
The existence I have observed and witnessed has been overlooked at times 
Some of the hardest memories swarm me at nights I cannot sleep 

The treatment I have endured was the making of me 
Through that line pumping poison around every inch of my body came gratitude and clarity 
It opened my eyes to realities I had ignored
It made me choose me 
The days I felt like I was fading away 
So pale I was barely seen or recognised 
The comfort and securities of life packed up and left 
I was left in pain I could never write 
My body was fighting whilst being fought 
I was drowning whilst helplessly blowing up armbands 

I will never forget the smell, or the sensation of chemo entering my once healthy body 
The insomnia and pain 
The inability to do anything 

So now I walk away with my bag 
Only what I need 
Life is all about only what you need 
Mortality is real 
Life will end
What do I really need 
What should I really carry 
What serves me 
What enlightens me 
What helps me see the calm through a storm 
Healing when broken 
The light when lost 

It was always me
And only in that moment of my diagnosis 
And only in that moment of scans 
Lying in mris, rts or ct machines
Veins being pumped with dyes and poison and antibiotics
Injections daily 
Medications so high it was endless
It was me 
I kept going 
I didn’t give in 
I had to talk myself into every round 
It was always me