Sunday, 27 November 2022

A lesson and a truth

And when the day is here 
Embrace it 
For we have no end date 
No best before 
It is just the now and vague memories of the been 
We cannot feel the future 
We are not in it 

I can remember being younger 
I had so much emotion inside 
More than I could ever interpret or express 
It used to seep out through angst or anger 
Getting in a mood or having a tantrum was my way of being 
It was what I knew and almost how I understood to be
I was always the middle child you know the problem, aggressive and the one who was blamed for everything but guilty of nothing … most of the time 

I was someone who could not explain my thoughts so when unsure I would just ask others 
What would you do 
What do you think 
What should I say, do .. who am I? What shall I do next ? Be next ?

It was a strange one but this was my way of coping because I had so much anxiety 
I didn’t want to do the wrong thing or suggest a different option 
I wanted people to like me accept me and so if that meant moulding into them, blending or just pretending that was ok. I was prepared to do that 

I am not that girl as much as my age but I do still fall for that route I think is easier, the only change is that now I actually know myself more and with it without full ack. I know who I am and what I am scared of and struggle with
Unique is always me and I do try my best but I will move in the present as me and stop trying to hide from it 
I am always striving to do my best and be the best for others but I realise that I need to be the best for myself first and foremost 

Life is a choice and it’s tough 
I have made decisions I am proud of and others of which I am not 
But I am still learning and through each lesson or bad decision comes the experiences and lessons 
The pain is what we get, but from it we get the strength and power to pursue more 

I miss people and moments and before I uncovered the truth I enjoyed the fake life I led at work 
But I respect myself more for bringing the light in 
That torchlight shone so bright onto the toxic existence that it left me blinking stars for days 
But I would do it again 
It was about seeing the truth 
And yes it’s painful and it hurt 
I’m scarred from their words of pure hatred 
There is a lesson 
An experience 
And hopefully something I will remember and not fall for again