Thursday, 25 March 2021

dirty plates

Sometimes I can be sat in a real blurry place
It's weird to see blurry when you've had laser eye surgery.
But it is and it's painful and disorientating

I've hit low levels in my life time
Some levels are so low in my past I don't actually know how I found them
I know I'm not there
But this doesn't feel any better some days

It's the worst time to have this feeling
What with how life has been throwing us through shit as a nation this passed 12months
I almost feel guilt for having this feeling
The feeling I would describe as helpless

I feel helpless with my family
Helpless with my students and helpless with myself
I have always been such a strong force for people
My laughter and sarcasm keeps so many smiling and giggling
My humour never fails
But I just feel like I've been piling up plates for so long now
Piling them up so high, not even seeing them smashing in the floor below
The food is rotten on them and there is a feeling of neglect

I have never felt so numb yet in pain at the same time
My face would say I'm ok
This teaching world allows for this persona to almost become your everyday mask
I pick up the dishevelled students and fix them up and straighten out the creases repair the damage
Empower and inspire
But leave myself outside
The rain is falling and I'm shivering but not running for shelter
The numbness is paralysing me

It is soo strong but this work is just my mind blartin" the frustrations of life and managing emotions
I'm not running from anything but I'm sat with so many piles of plates I don't know where to start
The plates all have sentimental feelings and prowess so I cannot just bin it
What comes first though

I'm just empty
Not enough energy to muster it
All the marigolds and fairy but no water

Saturday, 6 March 2021

nothing left to say really

When all is said and done
We do not have anything left really, do we
The stage is silent and the crowd starts to stand up and leave 
The room is left with a sense that life had been here
The smells of sweet perfume and happiness surrounds the curtains as they are drawn and another night is ticked off the list 

Theatre at its best 
Just one beautiful performance after another 
The acting is on point and the emotion fills our hearts with that thrill of live work 
We are enamored by the reality in front of us 
Children scream at the sight of Father Christmas or childhood books 
We all love to say "it's behind you"
Shivering with excitement at the whole spectacular atmosphere 

It never gets old
In my thirties I still smile until my face aches 
I enjoy the pantomime and the cheers and boos 

When I sit here typing up my memories into a box 
I feel still
Still and blank
The etch a sketch is empty and I have nothing to draw
Almost 12 months on after one of the most heartbreaking and mind-blowing experiences 
To pay witness to a death toll that exceed 100 before we could process it 
Face masks and sanitiser shortages 
Scared to hug and banned from family
Banned from existence in the only way we knew 
Banned from the cheers and the boos 
From the laughter and family times
From the large audiences 
Smiles and ice cream 
Nothing but silenced expressions hidden behind face masks and health fears

Oh I grieve 
I grieve it all
One day
One day soon
The dates will be counted down
Calendars full of meaning and forward planning
When all is closed until further notice
There's nothing left to say, really