Not an existence any of us are used to
Noone can tell us the end
Noone has a clue
Normally in life we see tragedy but we are on the other side, from the outside looking in
But this time we are in the same boat
The boat keeps leaking, the water keeps coming in, people are jumping overboard, taking lives by the second, blinking and we lose another 1000
Careless waste
Not a person in this world can help us because it is a strange horrorful collab
We are all in it at the same time
We can't swim away from it
It is silent and no radar picks it up
Please help us
Please stop the loss
Please tell me that life can resume
That life will be better
That life can conquer this evil
Find a vaccine
Find a fcuking cure to this sick epidemic
This epidemic which is taking the innocent
It is not just taking lives but it is changing lives
Giving birth alone
Leaving pets in vets without owners
No visitors
No support network
We are finally going through experiences alone
Like birth
We are alone
Professionals all masked up
Can't see their facial expressions
The deaf don't have a way of understanding
The elderly are alone
It's taking us
Taking our freedom
The laughter
The family
The community is strained
Lives have been changed forever
Our mindset is evolving
Health is important
We need health
We need people
We need freedom
Masks cover faces
Hide faces
Hide the fear
Fear is in houses
Windows are locked
Doors are closed
Some people have no bubble
Some people don't understand
Children are silenced in parks
The planet got healthier
Animals flourished
Noise pollution reduced
It changed outlooks
But we can never have it all can we
Hold those close that you can
Share your thoughts
Discuss your dreams
Live your life as best as you can
With all restrictions in place
Breathe in the fresh air
Watch plants grow
Flourish in this new life
This new existence
What 2020 taught us