Tuesday, 27 August 2019


Feel alone in this wide world
Outstretched arms never quite reach the fingertips of family
I have all my heart desires within my walls
But blood is blood
Water it right down
Its still red
Its still a connection that no one can ever change
Change your name
Leave your hometown
Get rid of your surname
This link will never break
You never know do you
When this will be the one thing that saves your life

Day to day is the same
Get up and go to work
Same TV schedule with some new things now and then
Beeping of the phone when messages flood in
But not round the corner
Not an arms reach a way anymore
No quick coffee catch ups
Pop in for hair cuts or cups of tea

Sometimes this feeling drowns me
Really pulls me below the surface
And other times I just get on with it

I know I will be OK
But human I am
And I can not just block out the real life feelings as much as you would like me to
It can be so hard
My journey to work is no longer surrounded by people I know and love just down the road
They packed up and left

Life keeps ticking
We all keep beating

But we always have the dates
The dates we count down to

Monday, 5 August 2019

Own path, own choice

When it's all said and done
We are just a pulse
Encased in water
Movement and change through the years
We complete actions and create dreams
We can smile and laugh
Or we can cry and shout
We don't try to hurt people
But the veins pumping life around us, send emotions travelling around it
They get caught up on feelings and leave us feeling good or feeling shit

We don't have the same body as anybody else
We all have different prints which identify ourselves
We are all individuals
Although some genetics might match, like eye colour or hair colour or even blood type
But that doesn't make us, who we are
For that is our own minds choice
We create our own destiny
We make our own path and push one foot after the other
People can hold our hands and help us cross roads but our destination is our own
Do not forget that