This morning I woke with a pain in my heart
For I knew what I had to do
I was tired with it all and sick of the act
And I'd of done anything to of not got up at all
But I sit here as I get myself ready to leave
I hear the morning birds singing
It reminds me of a younger age
A time far away in my memory bank
This sunshine bright and the ground wet
Playing army in South Wales 🏴
Monmouthshire specifically
Running around on my half terms with my siblings and friends
Playing with sticks
Getting my wellies muddy
Literally no pain
No worries
Just life and adventures
It helps me to remember life is more than this
This cloud has followed me for a long time
This cloud has stolen the light
This cloud is soon to blow over
It can't take anymore of me
I won't let it
That younger child was not a walk over
In fact she was more matter of fact
She wouldn't let this happen to her
I know I'm a good teacher
I know I'm a good person
I came into this life to make a real difference
People won't take that from me
They've taken the excitement of owning a home
The excitement of my hen do
That's enough now
Times up
Whistles been blown
This is personal
This is real
Those birds have reminded me of who me is
I am strong
I am resilient
I don't have long left till I find out
So ill make the most
I'll change lives
Ill bring the lessons alive
It's what I used to do
My imagination was amazing as a child
I used to have friends who wanted to play my games
I am proud of who I am
I am proud of who I was
I've never backed down
Thank you birds
Your songs are beautiful
Just like life... Beautiful