Saturday, 25 November 2017

At peace

Tell me something
What happens
Where do they go
Do you even know
No didn't think so
Not very helpful
But I often wonder and hope

I hope that we fall asleep like normal
Not even a care or worry
Just drift off thinking about the day we've had and the day ahead
Whether we'll put on the washing, what we'll cook for dinner you know

We all arrive at a place of rest
We walk in heavy in our hearts
Tears down our faces
Noone really knows how to feel
Other than grief, overwhelming grief
Grief and loss
Loss that is so strong it feels at times like we can't take a breath in
But we do
We all do
We all walk in as strong as we can and we all gather together
Like a force of love and grief
We listen to the words that are read out and we start to remember the times we shared together
The things we would speak about on those few times we had alone
The words of wisdom passed down to us like a family airloom
A treasure to keep and only share with our own thoughts
The quiet memories just for us
We sing the hymns they'd like to hear, and sing themselves
Our hearts roar and our voices hit notes higher than we ever could before
We are singing with our feelings
With our grief
We are pushing the hurt higher and up and out of the building we are in

God is discussed
We are told he will look after them
But to me
What I think is this:
I believe in the sky there's a world
A world full just like this one we are in now
I believe the world is mirrored above and just like when we sleep we enter this realm
the realm is normal
We aren't met with spirits but with people
Family lost before us, friends everything
We don't know we are dead but just that we aren't in the living world
Just a long extended dream
I know when I dream well I can see them
Speak to them even
I can day dream and ask for advice
When good things happen I can show them the memory through my mind
I can share it all
I'm not alone
Neither are they
They are just painless
Back to their best
And eventually after time
So will we be
Back to our fittest
The grief will pass
The tears will fall less
And all that will remain are our secret treasures
Airlooms of memories
Filling our mind
On their birthday we will toast them
At christmas we will think of them
And for the rest of our life we will carry them with us
Until the day we fall asleep
Deep and comfortable
Rested and pain-free
That is what I believe
Not religious
Not superstitious
Just a child once
Who lost my Taid and Nanny
And I believed this then
And I still do now
And forever

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

Don't you worry

Where do we start?
Take away the masks and unveil your inner soul
Make sure the spotlight covers all of you
That everyone has stopped talking and there phones are in their bags
That all their attention is on you
Then start

Take a deep breath and remember it's ok
This won't be filmed

Where do I start?
Is there even a beginning?
To me there only appears to be an incident followed by the backlash of horror shock and emotion
An incident that stands the hairs of my neck
An incident that brings with it pain and angst
Have you ever had that?
The audience are transfixed
They daren't utter a word
Back to me
The spotlight is warming
It makes me feel like I'm lying on the beach in the south of France
It makes me feel safe and warm
Without warning tears are rolling down my cheeks
I can't contemplate my own actions
It all feels fake
Like someone has made it up
If only

Back to it

Where do I start?
Is it depression? Am I alone?
I feel so warm with the love surrounding me surely, I could never be
No I'm not
I know that much

Onwards though I say
How does this affect me now and my future
It has shaken me up
Like a bottle of glitter
Jagged edges but pretty
Always pretty and youthful
Decoration to the plain walls of life
Necessary to make jokes
Cheer people up on downward spirals
Be there for all
Including myself
Especially myself
Proud but not too proud to admit defeat
Defeat, after all is only a lesson
And we spent long enough in school having those
Didn't do us any harm
In fact it paved our future
Made us who we are today
With intelligence
Intelligent enough to never do such nonsense again
Silly billy
Who is billy anyway.. poor billy, he can't always be silly
Raise a glass and remind yourself of achievement
Raise a glass to life and all it inhibits
All it has given me
Slightly hurt but able to stand back up and  continue
Slightly different path this time
Less stress
Less upset
More life and living