Monday, 17 August 2015

The thoughts in my head unwind with each word

Tired eyes droop into faces on trains in places I visit often
Sad voices soften in the rain at night
The trees get blown so hard you expect them to snap and crash down the streets
But they never do; they just hold on

People have rows loudly in kitchens with windows open whilst babies are sleeping
A lady runs for a bus that had no intention of slowing down; but she keeps running

Muddled up numbers in maths class leave that one kid embarassed as they never get the question
Another heart breaks from rejection for a date via text
Someone loved them but the victim had been looking in the wrong place

Listen to a guitarist play songs without a care in the world
As the rain pours on a busy street full of passers by with places to be and shops to spend money in
He hopes to eat that night whilst these people are spending money in their minds like there's no tomorrow

Watch as they drive too fast and slam on breaks at the last minute
Almost causing chaos in there impatience

Bad attitudes get you nowhere
People you haven't seen in years get you better in two hours than some of your closest in the inner circle of your life; the shock is that you're surprised by this

Don't count your money too much
Try not to waste your experiences saving it all for that rainy day that never comes
You can't take it with you, and that day you inhale your final breath you will wish you'd lived with more risks and thought less about the tomorrow that won't always come.

Friday, 14 August 2015

Birds Birds, Fly Away..

bird birds fly away
don't come back another day
for this worlds evil this worlds glum
i don't want you hurting, you can ask anyone

birds birds fly away
please just stay away another day
this worlds fighting
there's too many wars
there's so many deaths
and there's never the right cause

birds birds fly away
please accept my plea
i don't want you dying too
but i need you to see
all the countries losing lives
and all the families suffering
all the children left alone and all the world is crying
no one wants to watch the news and no one can determine
whether this will ever end and whether we are trying
prevention and education and understanding and care
together and teamwork and love and despair

birds birds fly away
i promise i will fix it
i will raise awareness and ill make sure people see it
i will shout out from my lungs and hope for a better future
i will hope this world is safer and hope that life lasts longer

Friday, 7 August 2015


My dreams illuminate the night sky
I wake from fantasy
I feel alive
I wish so hard that all I saw was real

I wish it was all real

Thursday, 6 August 2015

One of those days

I'd lost myself today
I was sat and realised no thoughts crossed my mind
I wanted to feel something
But all I felt was sinking feelings

I had lost myself again
After so many years of building up confidence to fight through the tough times
The lessons and experience fell away and left me alone
No thoughts no control

I went searching for myself
I went through every page in my diary and re - read poems till tears did fall
But I couldn't grasp my thoughts
My head felt empty
There was nothing there at all

Days became weeks
And life wasn't changing
I was getting tired and my heart, it was aching
I didn't want an ear or a doctor
I just wanted me back

Someone told me to man up
Chill out
It will get better
Don't worry
People this, people the other
Don't lose it, don't cry, don't bother
More of this shit and more of the other

Monday, 3 August 2015

Monday morning lecture

Catch your dreams
When you have them all, hold them tightly
Don't allow the present to throw you off your course

At night, collect your thoughts
Accept that not every day is going to be perfect and not everyone can be either
Remember this point as it will save you from the disappointment later

Try not to try so hard
Not everyone is like you and so in turn, not everyone cares like you do
Life is like that, I guess it's part of its charm

Just remember to be true to yourself
If people let you down and hurt you
Don't lower yourself to their level
Rise up and move on
And as hard as it is,  let them go.
They were never worthy and after your lessons you should realise nothing good can come from this.